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Sparkplugs Go Platinum or go home?

if ngk plugs are more for import, why do the monster trucks run them in there 1500 + horsepower trucks? im not disagreeing with you, i always thought that to. but for them to use ngk plugs....

OK, let me present this another way. NGK is a Japanese company. Where do you think the bulk of their R&D budget is focused? I like to think Ford Explorers are an afterthought. Techieman his the nail on the head. Sponsors are sponsors.

Everywhere you go on the web whether it be Explorer sites, Mustang sites, F-150 sites or whatever. Most people recommend OEM for Fords. It's the general plug of choice on this site.

I've used NGK plugs and they were fine. I never found much in the way of bad press on them which is why I scored them. I got roped into the Iridium hype. I now won't use anything other than Motorcraft/Autolite in ANY Ford product I own in the future because I know better. I will never touch Bosch for any reason.

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There is no reason to even consider iridium plugs unless you have transformers on each plug anyway.

Oh and about wal mart i always wonder how many times they've been dropped on the floor.

All of that stuff you see on horsepower tv is one big commercial. They get paid to report improvements with that kind of stuff.

yea i always kinda wondered about that. i mean i thought why do they caRE if theres improvements or not? but if the company of the product paid them to advertise and report good gains,them it makes sense.

OK, let me present this another way. NGK is a Japanese company. Where do you think the bulk of their R&D budget is focused? I like to think Ford Explorers are an afterthought. Techieman his the nail on the head. Sponsors are sponsors.

Everywhere you go on the web whether it be Explorer sites, Mustang sites, F-150 sites or whatever. Most people recommend OEM for Fords. It's the general plug of choice n this site.

I've used NGK plugs and they were fine. I never found much in the way of bad press on them which is why I scored them. I got roped into the Iridium hype. I now won't use anything other than Motorcraft/Autolite in ANY Ford product I own in the future because I know better. I will never touch Bosch for any reason.

well, i think i'll give the autolite or motorcraft a try next plug change. but i think i'll wait since theres only a little over 20,000 miles on the bosh and there not giving me a problem. now which plug, autolite or motorcraft, should i use for the best power and longest plug change i can go?

if you want the longest life, both of their platinum plugs are similar

ok, thanks for all the info and help everyone. i will look into them plugs here next plug change. about how long can i expect to go mileage wise with autolite or motorcraft platinum's?

they're supposed to last 100k miles, but honestly I wouldn't run any plug much past 50k, unless maybe it was a new car.

ok, well i got a little over 20,000 on my plugs now. i'll go a little while yet,unless i start getting a issue with them. then i will pick up some motorcrafts or autolites. and run them to about 40-50,000 truck gots 121,000 miles.

I normally run Autolites in everything but recently (before the Horse Power episode) I switched to the E3's. Engine runs smooth and haven't had a problem so far. Not saying you should rush out and buy them but they seem like a decent plug.

**I'm staying away from Bosh though...I have had nothing but problems with them**

I've seen a number of auto shows do the tests and the fancy iridium proved little to no increase over your basic OEMs. As for the Bosh +4s, I personally have never seen them do any good. The shows also tested the +4s and they routinely sparked off only 1 or 2 of the leads, not off all 4 as bosh wants you to believe. If your looking for a good strong spark, horsepower TV rated the E3's the best it even gave a slight HP increase.

For saving $$ I'd go autolites. The standards OEM as I hear the explorers have issues with the bosch.

I just put a set of E3s and get a head start on the maintenance on my truck last week the ran good and about 200 miles later i got a bit of a misfire going up hills and under load... So i changed the wires and still missed just as bad pulled the E3s and they were all sooty threw my old plugs that looked worn but still fine to run and the miss went a way...i took the E3s back... i'll be picking up a set of Autolites or Motorcrafts...

Has anyone used the E3 plugs, that are 7 bucks at advance and dont want to waste the money if they are no better

Has anyone used the E3 plugs, that are 7 bucks at advance and dont want to waste the money if they are no better

i just tried them and pulled them out and brought them back they misfired and were full of soot only after a few miles.

im running autolites now

well that sucks after seeing that video, the place will still take them back after you use them

yea the took them back and gave me a full refund bought them at Advanced Auto
