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Spiffing-Up the Rig

No paint this morning, I needed a break so I made fender badges. I used 2" aluminum flat stock, painted the grey primer, had the 5.0 and lightning bolts:


I will mount them with 3M two sided tape after they have had the day to dry.

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Hmmmmmm...found a couple of black and chrome Ford ovals to place on the fenders over the old Ranger emblem holes.
Looks nice! Was wondering what those were....4 holes in a row like a Buick Roadmaster!

I just picked-up 5mph on the top end!

Yah, Now the Roadmaster exhaust has kicked-in! (venting underhood heat from a blown 5.0 with headers)

There is no longer drag from the huge ole "Ranger" emblem holes I covered-over in the front fenders with my home made emblems!

You always pick-up at least 1 mph with lightning bolts:



I am not done yet, but how about a little before and after:



My 2 cents...I would ditch the Buick 4-hole emblems and keep the 5.0 .... to each his own though right? I like my E.B. wheel well flares while many here do not...... they're Ford meets Jeep imo .....

My 2 cents...I would ditch the Buick 4-hole emblems and keep the 5.0 .... to each his own though right? I like my E.B. wheel well flares while many here do not...... they're Ford meets Jeep imo .....
I may paint over them or get a better looking vent.

Yup, I think it does look better with them holes painted but I am keeping them for now as they are functional, they let a bunch of heat out.


I got another spiffing-up item coming today! I ordered a double din receiver with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto compatible. It will replace my old Garmin navigator and be used with my iphone. I chose a Jensen mostly because it was available and fit my price. Now I can remove the Garmin mount from my dash and Iphone mount from my consul because I will plug the iphone in and lay it down in the consul. It's a simple convenience with a bigger screen.


I need to get back to painting and cooler weather is coming o get it completed.


Got it installed:


I installed the same hood style vents in the fender holes:





I think I am going to paint the middle hood vents black




I think this thread has run it's course....................never done though, always tinkering.

They are never done

Yup, OK, maybe done with this thread.....

I done got it painted a much cooler light grey for this Southwest Sun and the old seats are wrapped in new threadz.

I got other shtuff to complete, like back to completing the new cool air intake housing as it's warming-up outside!

Yup, OK, maybe done with this thread.....

I done got it painted a much cooler light grey for this Southwest Sun and the old seats are wrapped in new threadz.

I got other shtuff to complete, like back to completing the new cool air intake housing as it's warming-up outside!
I really would like to see how you do it so I can copy you hehehe

Never done........................................
Son of a gun, had to put some better hood pins on. That falls under spiffing! I had made a set of pins with a couple of large bolts. My 4 1/2 grinder made for easy removal of those and a dremel tool made pretty fast work of cutting-out the fiberglass Ranger Edge hood to install them.

Installed and painted to match:



Looks good to me

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Thanks - Good enough, comfy, not anything near a fine finish. Now to just keep up the appearance and enjoy it.
