SplashMan's '99 Explorer XLT... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SplashMan's '99 Explorer XLT...


Explorer Addict
January 3, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Cedar Rapids, IA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Ranger
1999 Explorer XLT 4x4 (Auto,4HI,4Low)
4.0 SOHC
Stock axles with 3.73 gearing and a Stock Ford L/S in rear

K/N drop in filter with swiss cheesed air box
3" Performance Acc. Body Lift
1" Tortion Bar lift
1" rear add-a-leaf
1.5" rear Warrior Shackles
Old tires were 33x12.5 R15 General Grabber M/Ts
Steet tires were - 32x11.5R15 Bridgestone Dueller A/Ts
Both shared a set of 15x8 American Racing Tailgunners painted black
Current tires are 33x12.5 R15 TRXUS M/Ts on 15x8 black steelies
Surco Safari Rack with axe,shovel,spare tire and back-up lights mounted to it
4 55w lights mounted to the stock roof rack cross member
CB mounted to center console
Class III Ford hitch

This is what she looked like after the last time I wheeler her and the last time the old 33s were on her...

This is how she sat when I used her to pull my trailer and the wife was using her as a daily driver...

She is currently back on a set of 33s and I am now daily driving her again.

Even after all the abuse she took while offroading and towing, she still runs like a top with over 120,000 miles and the only parts ever replaced were a t-stat, O2 sensors and a trans (under waranty).

That is a nice truck. Sounds reliable as well. Looks good!

