STA Adrenalin Eibach Lowering Springs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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STA Adrenalin Eibach Lowering Springs


Well-Known Member
January 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Clifton, New Jersey
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 Adrenalin
Hi Folks,
It has been a while since I have been on the forum.
Other interests had pulled me and my wallet in different directions but I recently turned my attention back to my 08 STA.

Part of my quest has been finding someone to produce a reasonably priced set of lowering Springs.
One of the first companies I contacted was Eibach and I wanted to share the results of the inquiry with other STA owners to see if there would be interest in a group buy.

Before I go any further please note I did reach out to the Admin for permission to post this thread.

These are the Production facts from Eibach as they stand today.
-Eibach processes Custom Private Label small production runs.
-The minimum order quantity for a Private Label run is 50 sets.
-The request is for a full set of springs lowering STA's either 1.5" or 2" all around.
-Eibach requires a set of stock springs shipped to them to measure and develop from.
-6 weeks is required for a prototype set from receipt of the stock springs.
-10 weeks is required for the production run from approval of the prototype set.

These are the estimated costs as they stand today:
-$1,000 estimated cost of 4 stock springs purchased from Ford and shipped to Eibach. If someone has a full set to loan this cost could be eliminated.
-$1,000 required for the prototype set of springs for approval.
-$145.00 estimated final cost per set of Springs for the MOQ of 50 sets.

If all costs were combined it would be a total estimate of $185.00 + shipping per set of Springs for 50 sets.

I thought the final estimated price of $185.00 was very reasonable so I wanted to share it here with other STA owners even though I am not sure if there are even that many forum members that own an STA and have an interest in lowering it.

I know it's a stretch but it could be possible at a very reasonable price if there is enough interest.

Post up your thoughts, questions and interest.
I will do my best to answer any questions and if I can't I will contact Eibach to get the answer.


Members interested in purchasing a set of Springs:
1. CODell85GT
2. DocMc
3. tmsoko
4. Ryan A
5. harmlessv8
7. Destyn2001 x2

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Wow! the final cost is ridiculously low... Finding a market for 50 sets is the real issue here.

count me in.

are you on the "MyST" forum?

No. If you are could you give them a heads up?


I'm sure I've broken some kinda forum rules...:-/

But worth it!

I'm sure he meant the other site!

Count me in. I will absolutely buy a set. Good work with this!

Count me in. I will absolutely buy a set. Good work with this!

Great! Only 47 more people to go. ;)
I am going to start tracking interested parties in the first post.

At that price I'd get a set as well!!!

Im in where do i send my money

At that price I'd get a set as well!!!

1st post updated adding you to the list.

Im in where do i send my money

Updating the 1st post with your interest as well.
We have a long way to go before we have to worry about cash exchanging hands :D

Saw this on the myst forum (FSTCS6) - count me in.

Wow, I can't believe the amount of views (359) in only 3 days and nobody has a question? :feedback:

I know I tried covering all the facts the best I could but I am sure there are details that may be holding folks back from getting off the fence and signing up.

Either that or the same 6 people are reviewing this thread over and over again :D
No offense to the folks that signed up.

So if your viewing this thread because you have an interest but have concerns lets here it!

I do have a question, but I am still green/learning, so pardon my ignorance: What prevents a non-STA owner from using these to lower his XLT or Limited? Do the Adrenalin have special spring buckets or something?

I do have a question, but I am still green/learning, so pardon my ignorance: What prevents a non-STA owner from using these to lower his XLT or Limited? Do the Adrenalin have special spring buckets or something?

Good question. From everything I read it seemed they were specific to the Adrenalin models with the possibility of also being the same in the Explorer AWD systems.
If anyone knows otherwise and confirm the parts are the same then those models could be included.

How will the rest of the suspension be affected? Will the steering geometry be changed? Is this a professional only install, or can it be done in the driveway using common tools?

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How will the rest of the suspension be affected? Will the steering geometry be changed? Is this a professional only install, or can it be done in the driveway using common tools?

I wouldn't be able to answer the first part of your two part question until the prototype was delivered and springs installed.
I would guess a wheel alignment would be required at the very least.
Regarding part two, only you (or the one making the purchase) could answer that question if you have the skills and tools.

Personally I have plans on a local shop doing the install.

That said, and seeing you have an 05, is this something that interests you or are you throwing out a question for other members?
