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Stealth Box?


Explorer Addict
June 27, 2005
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1998 Sport 4wd- V6 Sohc
Want to add one of these stealth boxes to my '98 but the price seems way high for just a plastic box with a non powered sub. The JL audio one is like $500, funny because the actual 10W0 sub only sells for around $120.00

There must be a way I can get the just the box, think Q-logic makes one and put my own 10" driver in it?

Got to be something more affordable out there.

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Try Ebay. I got my JL audio there for under $200. Several members have gotten great deals on Ebay too.

The JL box is fiberglass, the MTX and Q-Logic ones are plastic. I bought my JL stealth on ebay for $200. I looked for about a month before one popped up on there. I modded the box to fit a JL 10W3 sub. I looked at the MTX and Q-Logic boxes at my local stereo shop and thought that they were on the flimsy side, thats why i waited for the JL box.

Here are some pics of the box

Thanks fella's for clearing this up.

Almost S**t myself when the stereo store told me it was over $500 for the JL box + I would have to buy an amp to drive it.

I got cardomain to pricematch another website and bought an MTX amped thunderform for 360.
That was the best deal I was able to find for a stealth box.
It's a pricey mod.

Just build one, a half sheet or MDF, screws, caulk, jig saw and skill saw are all that is needed. Other people on here have built theirs at home. I built mine working off of the pictures V8boatbuilder took.


Please dont give me crap for using a cheap sub. It was given to me and it sounds great. Depending on how you build your box, you are relatively limited on the size and style of sub you use. I have painted the face of the sub black now so it dosent look quite so bad now.

i have seen these kits
"Try Ebay. I got my JL audio there for under $200. Several members have gotten great deals on Ebay too."
that are meade for the pasengerside rear area!! they all say replaces net cargo area.... my x has a little factory sub and amp back there. has anyone tried to use one of these kits to replace their factory sub and amp?

i organized a group buy forever ago on the mtx one- it was well under $300. i don't know if that price might still stand or not.

you could also make your own...
