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Stereo display/dimming wire


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March 21, 2013
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2002 Ford Explorer XLT
I just installed a Pioneer DEH-X8500BH using a Metra 70-1771 Turbowire in my 2002 Ford Explorer XLT with the standard 4 speaker sound system.

The display seems brighter than I'd like at night. I have adjusted the colors to a darker color (green) that seems to get the display as dim as I can get it. There is also a stereo system setting for dimming ON/OFF. Still pretty bright.

The Metra harness has an orange "Illumination" wire and a orange/black "Dimming Ground" wire. I have connected the Metra orange "Illumination" wire to the Pioneer orange/white "Illumination" wire. It illuminates but doesn't dim with the dashboard.
The fact that Metra's packaging shows orange/white wire when the harness actually is orange/black didn't help my confidence.

Note added: I just noticed you can lightly touch any of the buttons on the "Key Side" and the Display turns off while still operating. Just touch again to turn back on.

1) Is a bright display what everyone else sees and is as designed?
2) Is it common to just cap off the "Dimming Ground" on the Metra harness?
3) Any options to get this stereo to dim with the dashboard?
Thanks for your time.

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I just installed a Panasonic DEH-X8500BH using a Metra 70-1771 Turbowire in my 2002 Ford Explorer XLT with the standard 4 speaker sound system.

The display seems brighter than I'd like at night. I have adjusted the colors to a darker color (green) that seems to get the display as dim as I can get it. There is also a stereo system setting for dimming ON/OFF. Still pretty bright.

The Metra harness has an orange "Illumination" wire and a orange/black "Dimming Ground" wire. I have connected the Metra orange "Illumination" wire to the panasonic orange/white "Illumination" wire. It illuminates but doesn't dim with the dashboard.
The fact that Metra's packaging shows orange/white wire when the harness actually is orange/black didn't help my confidence.

1) Is a bright display what everyone else sees and is as designed?
2) Is it common to just cap off the "Dimming Ground" on the Metra harness?
3) Any options to get this stereo to dim with the dashboard?
Thanks for your time.

Um, first off, it's a Pioneer, not Panasonic...

Secondly, I do not believe these radio's have a dimmer. That line of radios is a bit annoying when it comes to light.
You can pick the perfect color, however, it stays the same brightness.
In the day it's too dark, at night it's too bright.

DjDom. Thanks for the fast reply.
I can remember putting a stereo in my Dodge D50 in 1986 and having the SAME issue. It's amazing that in nearly 30 years with all the bells and whistles (great as they are) they still haven't improved the illumination operation. But then again we haven't been to the moon in a while either. Two steps forward one step back....

I hate when displays are too bright at night. Very distracting, to me at least.

One feature on the Alpine unit in my Paseo is the "Black Out" display feature. The display automatically turns off after 5 seconds after changing volume, tracks, stations, etc. If you change something, the display will illuminate, and then turn off after 5 seconds after that.

DjDom. Thanks for the fast reply.
I can remember putting a stereo in my Dodge D50 in 1986 and having the SAME issue. It's amazing that in nearly 30 years with all the bells and whistles (great as they are) they still haven't improved the illumination operation. But then again we haven't been to the moon in a while either. Two steps forward one step back....

You may want to contact Pioneer about it.

I'm pretty sure these radios also have some sort of auto dim function, and a dimmer built into the radio, not controlled by actual dimmer switch.

I'll look into it.

And, have you tried the auto DJ setting? The X line from Pioneer interests me. ;)

DjDom: I just found a color that was dark enough. It's just not intuitive to me on how you have to dial in 3 different tones. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the stereo. Great being able to use the rear usb port with my ipod stashed in the glove box. As far as the DJ settings go, I looked at the different modes once (there's a couple cool animations but kind of useless). So I've changed it to the basic music info mode or plain clock mode.

Hello ExplorerXLT2002!

For what it is worth, I recently installed a Pioneer X7500HD head unit in my daily driver. I had to go into the settings menus to find the 'Dimmer' function. It is default turned off.

Now, when I turn on the headlights or parking lights, the head unit display dims somewhat. Granted, it doesn't dim much.

Good Luck!

Seth K. Pyle

DjDom: I just found a color that was dark enough. It's just not intuitive to me on how you have to dial in 3 different tones. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the stereo. Great being able to use the rear usb port with my ipod stashed in the glove box. As far as the DJ settings go, I looked at the different modes once (there's a couple cool animations but kind of useless). So I've changed it to the basic music info mode or plain clock mode.

The odd thing I find about these head units is how they're legal.
They're extremely bright at night and can emit disco lights. I wonder if a cop driving behind you would get interested in it.
I only like the Auto DJ feature where it'll mix songs for you automatically, but then again, I just make my own driving mixes. ;)

And as the person above me said, there has to be some sort of dimmer function in settings.
