Stic-o goes Electric. Mustang Mach-E GT | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stic-o goes Electric. Mustang Mach-E GT

Ours will come to a stop, and start up again when traffic starts to move, but it will not stop itself at stop signs or red lights.
Ha it will if there's someone in front of yeah😉😉

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Nice. I had a GT as well for a little while. I test drove the Select model and was underwhelmed but the GT was very fast, maybe even a hair faster than my 835hp R1T on all-terrains. I liked driving the car, and didn't consider it boring myself, the fact that you could stomp on it at any speed and it would pull away never got old. The part I hated about it was the blue cruise nag screens and alerts (overly conservative) and the UI was a cluste****. The android auto vs ford sync battle gave me a headache, and they lock you out of doing hardly anything while driving, including entering a navigation address or sometimes even changing the music! We got rid of it just because we didn't need the second car payment, but it was fun to have for a little while.



How about an update on the Mach E. How has it been doing for you guys?

It's been great. We're crazy upside-down on it, because we bought it so early and price has dropped so much on them. 😮‍💨 But no plans to get rid of it.

We have about 25k on it now. No issues, just will not take it on any distance trips. Still getting use to planning with it. There have been a few times where have cut it close on not charging it the night before, but still works out in the end.

I would still rather drive a gas vehicle though, there is just no connection with it. It's just transportation, which is what the misses wants, so it works. 🤷

A friend of mine has a Tesla, and told me that he never charges it above 80% because it's bad for the battery. I charge my phone, cordless tools, and other battery powered items to full so I don't know why the car's batteries would be any different unless it's recommended by the manufacturer due to its battery's chemistry. Do you charge it to full every time, and if so did you notice any decline on the battery since you've owned it? How far could you go on a charge?

A friend of mine has a Tesla, and told me that he never charges it above 80% because it's bad for the battery. I charge my phone, cordless tools, and other battery powered items to full so I don't know why the car's batteries would be any different unless it's recommended by the manufacturer due to its battery's chemistry. Do you charge it to full every time, and if so did you notice any decline on the battery since you've owned it? How far could you go on a charge?
I think it has to do with SOC (state of charge) my understanding is you want a middle of the road SOC, nothing too high or low, and I dont think cars are much different than tools? My understanding of this comes from SLA batteries though, but I'd assume it applies to LiPos etc.

A neighbor has a plug in Prius, and he keeps the charger on everyday even if he doesn't use the car for a while. He claims that the batteries declined so much that he could only go 10 miles or less on a charge. It's a hybrid so it's never running on battery power continuously.

We charge the car about once a week, sometimes twice if it's a busy week. Try to only charge on the weekend, as power is cheaper, but is what it is. Plus we have Solar panels on the house.

Normally we get about 250-290 miles out of a charge. Depends on who's driving 😁. It goes down in the winter, even here in LA, because of the cold. Haven't seen any change really in capacity and we charge it to 100% but it takes overnight, sometimes longer depending on how low it is. We're just charging on 220. Cool part is it's the same outlet as my welder. So I have a outlet in the driveway for welding now.

It's been great. We're crazy upside-down on it, because we bought it so early and price has dropped so much on them. 😮‍💨 But no plans to get rid of it.

We have about 25k on it now. No issues, just will not take it on any distance trips. Still getting use to planning with it. There have been a few times where have cut it close on not charging it the night before, but still works out in the end.

I would still rather drive a gas vehicle though, there is just no connection with it. It's just transportation, which is what the misses wants, so it works. 🤷
An electric would be a great commuter for us. I really want to have solar at the same time.

Just ran across this, usually only look at the older model forums. I'm actually a Ford EV technician and do pretty much all of the Blue Cruise work also so if you ever have questions fire away.
