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still no heat


New Member
June 1, 2010
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pittsburgh pa
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 Mountaineer
I have changed the blend door acuator, and thermostat and still no heat. is it possible that the blend door it self is bad? the thing that gets me is that the heat will work fine for a couple weeks and then out of no where it stops. the car has the dual climate control, its in a 2002 mountaineeer.

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have you checked your heater core? Sounds like it might be plugged if it works sometimes and not others, just passing the clot around......


Ck heater control valve on pass side of engine, sometimes the actuating arm rotts off of the valve.

Thanks I'll change the heater control valve first. It's only a little under 20 bucks. Vs 160$ for heater core

I was just wrestling with this issue: no heat even tho the engine cooling system seems to be running just fine. I was tinkering a bit with something else and I removed the air intake hose. When I removed it I saw that the arm of this cylindrical black vacuum actuated thing extended - clearly i had installed the air intake in such a position that froze the arm in the up position. I repositioned the actuator so it can move freely, and now I have heat

I guess the name of that thing is the "heater control valve". Who knew?

IMG_3086.JPG IMG_3087.JPG

Great, don't you love it when the repair works!
