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Sto n sho


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Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
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2020 Explorer ST
This was mentioned back in June/July about a possible Sto n Sho being available for the ST.

Well I had inquired back then about it and they said that they would add it to the list of inquires but did not promise anything.

Fast forward 8 months and I received a follow up email (shocked they kept my original email for this long) stating that they were finally able to create a bracket for it. I just received mine and attached are some pictures of it.

I will hopefully install it this weekend. For those interested in buying one, here is the link. They stated you need to type in the notes that it is for a 2020 Explorer ST. It is off center due to the laser in the front which is actually what I prefer. They also told me a very small hole has to be drilled but based on the instructions, it is under the car, not into the bumper so I am happier with that.


It looks to be very high quality and am excited to get rid of the large front plate mount (which doesnt even fit our license plates) to a cleaner look of this mount.



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Thanks for the info. I have one of these on my '18 Mustang and am very happy with it. Please post pictures after the install.

They used my '16 CTS-V as the lab rat for that model. Mike makes some great brackets. On a nother note, how is it your front plate doesn't fit the factory mount ? Mine fits w/o issue.

They used my '16 CTS-V as the lab rat for that model. Mike makes some great brackets. On a nother note, how is it your front plate doesn't fit the factory mount ? Mine fits w/o issue.

When you sit the plate into the bottom grooves, the top screw holes do not line up with the holes on the plate. There are several members on here from multiple states that reported the same. So what we had to do was sit the plate over the grooves so the bottom does not sit flush.
