Stock Alarm Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stock Alarm Question


New Member
November 28, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Atlanta, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 EddieB
Just bought my 3rd Explorer, #2 was rear-ended and totaled. My 2001 EB has the factory alarm system. Thanks to this site, I found the factory code on the computer, so I can program the keypad. :)

And I now I know how to fix the blank radio display problem. :D

Next up is the alarm. As designed, when I lock the truck, I get two chirps. When I unlock, I get one chrip.

I love having an alarm. :)

I hate the chirp. :(

Anybody know how to keep the alarm function, but turn off the chirp?


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i have a 01 sport...and I dont have chirps! Just one horn toot when locked (have to hit twice for confirmation)

are you sure its factory?

Pretty Certain

Description and operation matches the owners manual exactly. Just wish it told me how to elimnate the chirp.

The factory alarm does not chirp; it beeps the horn. You have an aftermarket unit.

How is that possible? It uses the Ford remotes. It supports the Ford keypad on the driver door. The control module was in the factory location, and had the factory code on the Ford sticker. I added a new remote using the procedure in the Ford manual. The smart key that lets the engine start has a Ford label on it and interfaces with the "Alarm" indicator on the dash.

Seems pretty factory original to me.

Now, back to the original question. "Chirp", "Honk", or what have you, does anybody know how to make it be quiet?

personally i love the honk! its been my only vehicle to have an alarm. so why does yours honk/chirp when you unlock it? or how can i turn it on? or a soultion is to use the key instead lol

Found it

After digging around under the dash, I found the Alarm control unit.

Mine was a Ford, "System 3" alarm, part # F3AZ-19A361-D

After disconnecting the battery, I pulled the unit out, removed four screws and opened the case. Inside was a dip switch block with four switches. After some investigation, I've learned that the first switch controls the "chirp" that sounds everytime the unit arms and disarms.

Flipped it the other way, and the alarm is nice and quiet when locking and unlocking the truck.

It appears the unit was installed at the dealer. I'm guessing the installer either asked the original owner how to set it, or just picked for them.

Either way, now it works the way *I* want it to work!
