Stock and Aftermarket help (muffler issues) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stock and Aftermarket help (muffler issues)


Explorer Addict
March 15, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Carey, Ohio (Georgia Grown)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 XLT
Ok I redid the muffler, bought an OEM muffler from ext pipe to tip. However, I could not find stock rubber muffler hangers.... i had to use the universal from Adv Auto. Also, the dumb a.... who had the truck before me welded a pip into the cat convt instead of using the ext pipe. so i had to just bolt onto it. Now, in drive/reverse only, never park or neutral; the muffler rattles, VERY LOUDLY, even worse if an adult is in the front passenger seat, plus the passenger floor is warming up quickly. Is it cause I used the universal rubber hangers or something else?

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Could be

The rubber hangars don't usually have much to do with it. Mine actually does rattle a bit, but I'm not too worried about it, I used that universal muffler hangar kit with the metal strapping so I'm sure that's not helping and I have a small leak from the weld.

The guy may not be so dumb. The pipes are hard to find the right fits for and welding gives a much stronger hold than the u-bolts. Mine ran for nearly 6 months with no real issue even though my exhaust must've been leaking horribly. After it finally fell off as I was driving down the road I decided to just weld it on there, and it got a lot quieter, even though my brother managed to burn a small hole through the bottom weld. Might want to check where the heat shield is.

Gotta ask though, why are you going back to a more restrictive stock exhaust?

all i had money for, plus I needed it to be quiet, the county im in gives sitations for loud muffler... haha to the ricers, but boo for trucks; even bikes get the sitation.i know the new stock one is pulled tightly, im gonna have take pics to explain that one. i wasnt sure what to get with a budget, cause it was missing all the pieces from the ext pipe to the tail pipe, it was only 100 for the whole kit, all gaskets and u bolts.

heck, if you know someone with a welder you can weld yourself anything up. I heard the Cherry Bomb Pro is about $30, I got my polished stainless steel Magnaflow for $60. I would imagine that there's a decibel limit that you have to hit before they can issue a citation. Even here in IA and right across the river in IL you'll get tickets for having your exhaust too loud, but as long as it's within reason you should be fine. A glasspack is a ticket waiting to happen. But any normal muffler should muffle the exhaust enough for you to pass their dB test.

We get citations here for loud car stereos and they'll actually take your whole system from you if you get caught 3 times. It's gotta be based on decibels because it's absurd to say that you can't modify your vehicle to gain gas mileage and performance. The city next to us just put a limit on motorcycles too, they didn't like the guys with the, from what I've always remembered, stock Harley exhaust going through making all that noise, but as a nicer community I suppose they've gotta be the ones to rain on everyone's parade. Our cops here never got me for a loud exhaust, even when it fell off.

Post a pic if you can, even pulled tightly, if you can crawl under there and feel exhaust coming out of the seams then you've probably got a small leak and even that little bit could possibly be causing all your headaches. Otherwise may have to just track down the source of the noise with the truck running.

no leak, we went over it really well while in the air, we did/do look for the noise, you really cant see anything rattling... however, if you have it in drive and have someone hold the brake and you lift up on the muffler its self, starts a rattling sound near the cat convt, but dont see anything... weird, starting to happen more now to, no one has to be in the passenger seat this time and it did it...

The factory cat has a heat shield around it.. They break and rattle.. Some people just rip it off (like I did).. others use really big hose clamps around the cat to keep the shield from making noise.


If the noise is coming from the cat, the only other posibility is a blow cat (assuming the exhaust isn't hitting something).. When the honeycomb breaks it can make a lot of noise.. AND you can blow the pieces into the muffler which will eventually kill the muffler too.


Sounds about right, could be the cat since you're not seeing any place where there could be a rattle. Check the smell of your exhaust then too, sulfur/rotten egg smell definitely signals a bad cat. Or maybe just a horrid smell of gasoline, I know that the cars I've been in without cats usually smell like gas really bad.

only smell coming from the truck is when the boy ***** him self, no smell besides that, i was told it sounded like it was knocking the frame, that i put to much stress on it with the old pipe that is welded in?!

i got it to stop!! YAY, it was the tail pipe vibrating on the body, made my own hanger, let it down just a little bit more, no more noise!!
