Stock Tranny cooler fluid flow ?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stock Tranny cooler fluid flow ??


August 12, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Edmonton, alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Utility
On my stock tranny cooler , 2001 explorer, the in and out ,, is on the return line , system , that comes from the bottom of the radiator. The line , that comes from the bottom from the radiator , on the way back to the tranny , is interrupted by hoses ,, going up to the bottom of the cooler , with both hoses the in , and out , connected to the bottom of the secondary cooler .
I have pics , the line on the left , is coming from the bottom of the Rad. and going into the bottom of the cooler . The line on the right , is coming out from the cooler , and going back to the tranny.

My problem is , when I disconnected the hose on the right side , from the line on the right side , and started the engine ,, fluid started pumping out form the line !! and not the hose .
I figured that it maybe it is the sending line and not the return line , so I did the same to the left and ,, the same thing happened . Fluid was pumping out from the line ,,

coming from the bottom of the Rad. !! The sending line from the tranny goes to the top of the Rad.

So to me ,,, this looks like the tranny is pumping fluid from both directions ,, into the cooler . ( fluid being pumped through both ,, the send and return lines , and meeting in at the middle , inside the secondary cooler .

Is not the flow supposed to be send from the tranny ,, into the top of the Rad ,, then out the bottom of the rad ,, then up into the cooler ,, then out from the cooler ,, and then back to the tranny ?? here pics.
T 1.jpg

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I believe this might help visualize how the flow works.

except the fluid goes in at the top of the radiator and out the bottom....... just to avoid confusion

except the fluid goes in at the top of the radiator and out the bottom....... just to avoid confusion

except the fluid goes in at the top of the radiator and out the bottom....... just to avoid confusion
SUPER THANKS ,, I TOOK PICS 2 DAYS AGO QAND YESTERDAY I BLEW OUT THE RAD SECTION ,, AND THE COOLER . and i disscoverd that the fluid IS ......flowing IN BOTH DIRECTIONS . I read some where ,, that the tranny fluid will travel , whatever path is the least resistance . Also i came across testimonial that one person said ,, that only those of whom have actually been there and had their cooler hoses off , with engine running that will know , about this , weather or not they want to keep this issue a secret ::: anyway ,,, thus the reason why he fills his tranny ,, from the top rad inlet , down into the return line ,, so to give more resistance on the return line instead of the send line .
To many , it seems that this issue is not important . Someone here at this forum should have at least mentioned this ,, unless they don't want this secret getting around .
