Strutteks installed....serious rake | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Strutteks installed....serious rake

I'm not aware of 3rg gens having a tow option for suspensions. What you may be noticing on these and the pickups are 2 wheel drive trucks. They will generally be lower(sagging) in the front. Which gives it the illusion of a higher rear end. Also happens to women.

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My question is will this effect my sway bar links? Will i need larger ones?

I don't think so. Even though the springs on the strutteks seem to give a little extra ride height initially (until they settle out) your suspension is still operating in its normal range of motion, i.e., it can't travel downward or upward any further than it could with the stock struts.

great thanks i cant wait to have a smooth ride again, driving is annoying and loud and squeaky.

i installed these yesterday at 2:00pm and didn't finish until 11:00pm at night. If i could go back and do it again it would only take 1 to 2 hours top. A must need tool for this job is a lady slipper. And i dont know how anyone could attach the bottom bolt without it.

and in the back i had to de-attach the lower control arm bolt to add more room to work. Also the back holes didnt line up to the top strut mount and i thought they were the wrong ones. I found out the top of the springs for the back rotate to be able to line up the holes. Also there is no room in the back to get to the 3 bolts on top and once i got in there half way through getting the nut off it it hit rust that gathered and made it hard as hell, it took 3 people becasue you could only turn it a couple of times before fatigue. (I used wire brush and liquid wrench to clean but didnt help)

This thread was helpful but left out key points which i explained above which helped the process 10fold.

The front two didnt line up until i pulled out the lady slipper then from there 6 minutes to re-install!!



Well took me almost 2 years to buy the rears lol it's going to the shop tomorrow, white truck is still on the stock ones with no issues and no broken springs...

what size struts did you get? man. # ? looking into struts for mine and i decided some rancho's are gonna be a pretty penny



Man fedyfedz expo in this stage has always been one of my favorite expos!
