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stuck prnd indicator


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December 21, 2014
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2004 Explorer Limited 4.6

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Mine started to malfunction. The Shift Indicator Bracket was the culprit. No need to remove the dash. Check yours and see if it is similar issue. The links below should give you an idea of how to troubleshoot and repair. Explorer Forum - shift drive selector indicator

[YOUTUBE="How to Align a Car Shift Indicator"][/media]

That link is to the 2G section. On those it does look like the cable and adjustment are accessible on the bottom of the column by just removing the panel under the column

But on the 3G the I think the string is very short and comes from from near the shift lever.


I don't know how much disassembly is needed to reach it. There's a alarm/remote start installed on my truck and it's the typical cluster-F job with a rats nest of wires & modules crammed in under the column. I'm guessing there may be a wire routed over the top of the column that's pinching my indicator cable.

(Pictures come from the linked posts--they are not mine)

The design has changed much between the gen2 & gen 3. Did you remove the lower dash panel? Before removing the entire instrument cluster remove the lower dash panel first and check the condition of the shift indicator bracket. See Big Rondo's PICS for removing lower dash panel. You can get a little more length on the shift cable by moving the selector to the L position.

Do you mean the white plastic thing or whatever the string loops over?
