Stuff in the oil pan | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stuff in the oil pan


Elite Explorer
January 11, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Lawrence, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport 4x4
Hey guys, I need some help identifying exactly what the stuff in my oil pan came from. It's a 2001 explorer sport at 264k. There is some plastic chunks along with some metal bands. There is also some metal shavings. The truck runs completely fine, and has no unusual noises other than the bad tensioners on start up.




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that is your timing chain guides or cassettes laying in the bottom of your pan. i will say in the near future you will hear rattle all the time.

Yeah. Not good.

Start assembling parts for a rebuild or line up a replacement engine.

I went with the latter and it’s was well worth it. $1000 for a 2010 Ranger motor with 36k

Well, shoot. Can't say I'm not surprised though. I guess I'll be pulling the engine soon and putting on new timing parts.

Well, shoot. Can't say I'm not surprised though. I guess I'll be pulling the engine soon and putting on new timing parts.

OR perfect time for a v8 swap!

Now were talking

I want some opinions, Since I'm going to have then engine out for the timing job and everything off it should I replace the head gaskets while its out? There is no current issue with them that I know of, it just since its a higher mileage engine I'm considering it. I don't really know the life span of the head gaskets for this motor and at 265k I want to make sure I don't have to pull it again in the next 100K miles. What's everyone's thoughts, replace them while its out or send it?

If this is a true keeper of a vehicle, and you’ve done the trans and are pulling the engine to do the valvetrain, go through the motor. Or, better yet, do what I did and put a low-mileage motor in it.

Pulling a SOHC is such a pain in the ass, I wouldn’t even think about reinstalling a high mileage engine without a solid refresh...

If this is a true keeper of a vehicle, and you’ve done the trans and are pulling the engine to do the valvetrain, go through the motor. Or, better yet, do what I did and put a low-mileage motor in it.

Pulling a SOHC is such a pain in the ass, I wouldn’t even think about reinstalling a high mileage engine without a solid refresh...
It is a keeper but I want to test the 4.0 and see how far it can really go without a full overhaul. Meaning I don't want to redo the rotating assembly (crank,pistons..) till it blows up. Timing chains, tensioners, transmission... Are all stuff I'm doing just to test the durability of the 4.0 SOHC, I'm trying to give it the best chance to reach 350k or above. I know it kinda sounds weird but I want to know my explorers limit.

The head gaskets only become an issue on these when your coolant gets to a poor condition. I wouldn't replace them for maintenance reasons alone. They are MLS (steel) head gaskets.

Most commonly the head warps from overheating and leaks between the head gasket. Then it has to be milled but be careful, if it's warped a bunch it might as well be trashed because the cam journals will be lined up as straight as a banana.

These bottom ends run for 400k miles. Throw chain set and a new oil pump in it and let it go.

The head gaskets only become an issue on these when your coolant gets to a poor condition. I wouldn't replace them for maintenance reasons alone. They are MLS (steel) head gaskets.

Most commonly the head warps from overheating and leaks between the head gasket. Then it has to be milled but be careful, if it's warped a bunch it might as well be trashed because the cam journals will be lined up as straight as a banana.

These bottom ends run for 400k miles. Throw chain set and a new oil pump in it and let it go.
Thanks for information and pointing out to replace the oil pump I completely over looked it. I'll take this opportunity to get the Melling pump and metal pick up, instead of the OEM set up.

The plastic pickup is ok, just make sure the o-rings seat well. If you turn the motor upside down on a stand you can fill the pickup with oil and check for leaks.

Does anyone know what this sensor is? It's in the valley between the heads, I just want to know since the wires are cracked and I'm going to replace them. Otherwise, I got the engine out and on the stand. Tomorrow I'm popping off the covers and pans, to to the timing chains. It was not as bad as I thought it would be to pull out.


Does anyone know what this sensor is? It's in the valley between the heads, I just want to know since the wires are cracked and I'm going to replace them. Otherwise, I got the engine out and on the stand. Tomorrow I'm popping off the covers and pans, to to the timing chains. It was not as bad as I thought it would be to pull out.

View attachment 343179
Knock sensor

Knock knock

Big question now, is the balance shaft important. I rounded the two bolts for it's tensioner off (even with the external torx socket and hand ratchet). I'm not really sure how to get them out at this point. Can I weld a nut to them... Any suggestions?


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Big question now, is the balance shaft important. I rounded the two bolts for it's tensioner off (even with the external torx socket and hand ratchet). I'm not really sure how to get them out at this point. Can I weld a nut to them... Any suggestions?

View attachment 343203
Delete the balance shaft chain and tensioner not needed imo
