Suggestions, Please: Tire Sensors | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Suggestions, Please: Tire Sensors


Explorer Addict
November 12, 2009
Reaction score
West-Central AZ along the Colorado River
Year, Model & Trim Level
59 Ranchero F250 D'Line
2004 Explorer with Tire Air Pressure Sensors-- I would like to incorporate a 5th. tire in the "mix" when rotating tires to spread wear around. The "new" tire & wheel added, not having an air pressure sensor in the rim, will "throw" a warning on the dashboard, as I understand it.

What ways around this would you persons more knowledgeable about this than I am, suggest?

Thanks for ideas! imp

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put a sensor into the 5th tire and you throw it into the mix program it to the car.

put a sensor into the 5th tire and you throw it into the mix program it to the car.

More questions, Wask!

How to program new sensor to car.

Will these stem-mounted sensors work with steel wheels?

Thanks for being patient with this newb!! imp

More questions, Wask!

How to program new sensor to car.

Will these stem-mounted sensors work with steel wheels?

Thanks for being patient with this newb!! imp

you have to program it when you put it as a running tire from being a spare.

turn the key 3 times hit the brake, turn 3 more times all this with in 6 seconds.

once its in programing the horn beeps. walk around the vehicle from the lf/rf/rr/lr tire with a magnet that fits over the valve you should hear a beep every time it programs a tire.

you have to program it when you put it as a running tire from being a spare.

turn the key 3 times hit the brake, turn 3 more times all this with in 6 seconds.

once its in programing the horn beeps. walk around the vehicle from the lf/rf/rr/lr tire with a magnet that fits over the valve you should hear a beep every time it programs a tire.

Thank you kindly! imp

I've been getting a "Warning - Tire Pressure Very Low" every time I start my 2005 XLT; however, all tires are inflated to 35 psi, as the recommended tire pressure suggests....could it be that my spare is programmed into the computer, and the SPARE TIRE is the one that is very low on air???? I get a solid warning light on the dash, so I know it's not the tpms system and/or the stems, etc getting bad....thanks in advance!

you have to program it when you put it as a running tire from being a spare.

turn the key 3 times hit the brake, turn 3 more times all this with in 6 seconds.

once its in programing the horn beeps. walk around the vehicle from the lf/rf/rr/lr tire with a magnet that fits over the valve you should hear a beep every time it programs a tire.

ok two questions.. when you rotate your tires do you always have to reprograming the sensors? and is it just magnet no special magnet that you use?

ok two questions.. when you rotate your tires do you always have to reprograming the sensors? and is it just magnet no special magnet that you use?

Yes, that's what i've been doing. 5 Tire rotation, I reprogram every rotation as detailed above. Bought a used sensor off fleabay. Supposedly any big magnet will work, cheapies i tried didn't so i wound up buying the one for the Corvette, looks like a hockey puck with a hole in the middle.
I tell you what with 5 tires its easy to do a rotation now esp. with one jack.

Ok sorry for my stupity. I have done 4 tire rotation and ones and didn´t do this programing and now I have put the winter tire on and I don´t have clue which is where. So here is my last question on this topic. How dose it matter which tire sensor is where?

It really doesn't matter, when you program it, it asks LF, RF, RR, LR, when you go and put the magnetic on it will beep the horn to tell you to go to the next rim. For some reason it doesn't like the spare for some reason. . . found out when i forgot to reprogram them.

ok but I am trying to understand why the car have to know which tire is where when it dose not tell my which tire is out of air it just light up the low air light.

ok two questions.. when you rotate your tires do you always have to reprograming the sensors? and is it just magnet no special magnet that you use?

if you only rotate 4 tires, then no. if you rotate 5 tires, then yes.

Yes, that's what i've been doing. 5 Tire rotation, I reprogram every rotation as detailed above. Bought a used sensor off fleabay. Supposedly any big magnet will work, cheapies i tried didn't so i wound up buying the one for the Corvette, looks like a hockey puck with a hole in the middle.
I tell you what with 5 tires its easy to do a rotation now esp. with one jack.

For me, helpful info here! Thanks! Glad someone else appreciates the reasoning behind rotating 5 tires. First saw it in the manual for my Dad's '49 Lincoln, which he bought new in late '48. The diagram showed 2 ways of doing them. First placed spare on L.R., then criss-crossed with R.R. going to spare; 2nd. took spare to L.F. first.

How's about a small microwave oven magnetron magnet? They'e round, flat doughnut shape with a hole in the middle? Pretty strong, too. They'll hold enough stuff on the fridge door, it almost falls off from the weight!! :) imp

How's about a small microwave oven magnetron magnet? :) imp

Give it go, i tried a few hardware magnets got tired of trial and error then just said 'screw it' and just bought the one for the corvette. That one sets the sensor in about 5-10seconds and i'll hear the chirp of the horn on average.

With tires at $200 a piece, i hope to keep them for a long long time. One other 'side' benefit i found is when you go through a car wash you actually clean the back side of the rim for once when its mounted as a spare.

One other 'side' benefit i found is when you go through a car wash you actually clean the back side of the rim for once when its mounted as a spare.

Interesting point! I "hang" my spare "good side down", though, so I can check it's pressure occasionally.........

I have seen gobs of tar-glued stones on the back sides of wheels, thrown there from "fresh oil" and "chip-seal" operations, some big enough to surely affect wheel balance. imp
