my thought was it would be sucking the air out from under the hood while driving, not letting it in. i could be wrong however.
i have no argument with you on this one. i was hoping that because it not being near the rad, and off to the side i would be ok. i am going to have to do a pile of relocation if i want to do it on the drivers side. fuel pressure regulator, HID, fan controller, and puke box all live on that side. doesnt mean its not do able, just means a whole lotta figuring out.
i am guessing that comes out of the air box? i wanted to do something like that, but couldnt figure out how to get a air filter in-between the fender and fender apron.
its going to be hot this weekend, well hot for us. i do have stuff to finish up which will decrees the stress level. will have to take it for a ride and really see what happens.
thanks for the input guys.