Superlift 5.5 and spacer and shackle | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Superlift 5.5 and spacer and shackle


Well-Known Member
January 16, 2005
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abbotsford bc
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 5.0 limited
just wondering if f-150 spacers will work on the coils from a superlift 5.5 kit to make it about 7 inch total lift in the front.

also i have some sort of extended shackle in the rear currently. With a SOA, this shackle will lift it another 1.5-2 inches correct? For a total of 7-7.5 inches

would there be any problems i may run in to trying to get this setup to work. ie) driveshafts, wheel bearings etc

thanks for your time

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I'm not for sure but from what I've heard you'll have problems aligning it with that much lift in the front with the drop brackets that come with the 5.5 Superlift. Someone will correct me if I'm wrong.

yea dude thts awesome u live in chino. dude its so rare so see a lifted explorer... when i do.. dude its like the peak of the week. we should go off roading sumtime.

the superlift drop brackets and 5.5 springs will already require the max camber correction bushings to get alignment. Adding the F-150 spring seats will make it so this cannot be aligned.

Now with that said each truck is different, and you might be able to squeeze another 1/2"-1" of lift with a coil spacer and still be able to get correct camber, using the 2.75 camber correction shims from Moog.

410Fortune said:
the superlift drop brackets and 5.5 springs will already require the max camber correction bushings to get alignment. Adding the F-150 spring seats will make it so this cannot be aligned.

Now with that said each truck is different, and you might be able to squeeze another 1/2"-1" of lift with a coil spacer and still be able to get correct camber, using the 2.75 camber correction shims from Moog.
so extended radius arms would solve that problem though?

Amazingss1287 said:
yea dude thts awesome u live in chino. dude its so rare so see a lifted explorer... when i do.. dude its like the peak of the week. we should go off roading sumtime.

Here's a thought: You don't have to start every sentence with "dude".

Like 410 said, you can't run spacers and 5.5 springs on the 5.5 Superlift brackets. You can, however, if you swap in Skyjacker brackets.

sounds interesting. and with the skyjacker brackets i wouldnt have any camber issues or it would just be better?


Nope, you wouldn't have any camber issues as long as you put in the proper correction shims.

j602 said:
Nope, you wouldn't have any camber issues as long as you put in the proper correction shims.
perfect thanks a lot.

anyone suggest a good place online to buy just the skyjacker brackets?

If i was you i would just buy the sky jacker kit. Its built alot stronger and you will get a little more lift out of it. I have the skyjacker 6 inch and the spacer in now. I could probably clear a 37 with amost no rubbing.

I am running a 5.5" superlift kit and just threw in skyjacker springs last night along with 1.5" aluminum spacers under them and i have no camber alignment issues what so ever. I am still running the superlift drop brackets and can still get more adjustment out of the camber bushings, but i am running the max size camber bushings as well. Every truck is different so it is a matter of putting the 5.5" on first then see where you stand. I don't think you will have a problem but i too would suggest the skyjacker kit because it is stronger, unless of course you have some fabricating experience and can beef up the superlift brackets, they can be reworked for alot of strength, it all depends on how you go about putting them together.
