Superlift 5.5 inch lift kit for 92 explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Superlift 5.5 inch lift kit for 92 explorer


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August 21, 2007
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Eugene, Oregon
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92 XLT
Does anyone know if the superlift 5.5 inch kit for a 92 explorer come with new leafs in the rear or an axle flip kit?

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axle flip kit. well my leafs are different them.

skyjacker makes 6in lift springs but you need to stay spring under. OME makes 2in lift springs but will sag. as for Superlift, they make the Spring over kit that will give you lift.

ohh and gusset you drop brakets. mine broke on one rubicon trip.

Rocky Mountain Suspension lists the kit around $700. I think I paid $550 for mine brand new from a guy that never used it.

RMS Superlift

i believe that you can order with or without new rear leaf springs.

Pretty sure the reason that the superlift kit is 5.5" is because that's how much lift you get with the SOA kit. With mine, the rear is still a little low. Probably due to the rear springs sagging a bit. Gonna try some F-150 springs maybe or just build up the leaf pack a bit with some spare parts I have lying around here.
