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SVO42's 1-ton SAS


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December 4, 2002
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1994 XL
I've been wanting to do this for a while, and I finally had the opportunity. I picked up my "new" axles yesterday: a HP Dana 60 front and a Ford Sterling 10.25" rear, both from an '87 F-350.

My plans as of right now are:
5.38 gears
rear Detroit Locker
? front
doubler transfer case: BW 1354/Dana 20
38"+ tires

So it begins!


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Your goal is to finish before me!

And how did you get a loaded D60 into an Explorer -- cauz mine had to be forklifted into my van and I swear I'm an inch shorter after moving it from the van to the basement.

I was wondering the same thing. The carpet is still in tact as well.

WOW, I too have moved these axles before and that was my first thought when I saw them. You for sure would be splattered all over the place if you were in an accident with these axles flying around the rear of the truck.

Looking forward to the build.

i thought about hauling a motor home in the back of my explorer.. after imagining everything that could go wrong, and trying to figure out how to get it in and out, i called a frend with a pick up. haha

I didn't have any other option besides using the Ex. We got them in there by having the axles on an engine hoist. The hoist wouldn't roll becuase it was all on gravel, so I left the liftgate open and backed up until the axle was inside. Once it was in the truck, we had to work them around so the liftgate would close. To do that we used a little rolling platform about 1' x 1' and a jack.

You think a Dana 60 is heavy, try moving a Sterling! It was heavier. :eek: Here's another shot and you can see the differences in size, esp. the pumpkins:


I really wanted to get this guy to help, but he wasn't available:


I tried not to think about axles flying. I just kept telling myself they were too heavy to go anywhere. It helped that I actually don't have carpet--my Ex is a BASE model XL: rubber floor, vinyl seats, manual trans, manual transfer case & hubs, so cruise or tilt, no power options. When I got it it still only had the AM/FM radio. The only options it came with was the roof rack, rear wiper, and A/C.



IZ: I'll try to get my swap done before you, Mr. President! :p:

I know how heavy those axles are, I just got through putting one in my F350 dually (rear), so when I saw the pics above I just about crapped myself :eek:

BTW your rear axle has smaller brakes than the HD70 for the dually, HEAVY, HEAVY, HEAVY!

Heavy Metal

Jeff - :navajo:

i got mine in my explorer all by myself to get them regeared, and i'm 5'11 150lbs.......

Then again, I had them all stripped down, nothing past the inner C's, or shafts. :D

To get them home the first time, i phoned a friend with a pickup. got them in with an engine hoist, and got them out with a makeshift gantry consisting of 2 ladders, some pipe, a chainfall, and miscellaneous lengths of chain and shackles to hold it all together.


Due to some work concerns for myself and my friend who is helping me with the swap, the axles sat in the back of the Ex until this last Thursday night! I had to drive it some still, which was white-knuckled after you guys talking about nothing but my possible death due to flying axles! :p:

They're out now at my buddy Neil's shop. I placed my first real parts order tonight. It's the front leaf springs which I ordered from BJ's Offroad, a Full Size Jeep parts store. I'm going to be doing a similar build to section525. Instead of stock height springs, I got the 4" lift ones.

I'll be ordering gears and locker(s) within the next week or two! :D

The first NEW parts arrived yesterday: 4" front lift springs for a FSJ from BJ's Offroad:



I should have the gears by the end of next week. Hopefully the axles will be getting some work done the weekend after next.

I hope to have it ready by Memorial Day weekend for another event! :confused: Actually, I'd like to have it ready a bit before that to do a little on- and off-road testing. I want to keep it somewhat streetable for until next winter's over. After that I hope to have a tow rig and trailer. Once I have those it will be modded even further! :biggthump

I left a message Friday at D.D. Machine about getting one. a 1354/D20 is my first choice, 1354/D300 second, and a 1354/1354 as my last option. I want a gear-driven case so I can twin-stick it. The D20 and D300 also have aftermarket lower gearsets available.

Once I can actually talk to Duffy and see what he can do for me I'll have a better idea. He has a very good reputation and I would much rather get a doubler from him than try to reinvent the wheel.

I hope to have it ready by Memorial Day weekend for another event! :confused: Actually, I'd like to have it ready a bit before that to do a little on- and off-road testing. I want to keep it somewhat streetable for until next winter's over. After that I hope to have a tow rig and trailer. Once I have those it will be modded even further! :biggthump

Hey sexy, do you need a date for those events? I might be able to clear my calendar :D (I will wear appropriate footwear)



My wife, everybody. She's done nothing but nag me about all of this. "Have you ordered those parts yet?" "You'd better hurry up and get those parts!" I don't know how I stand her... :rolleyes:


Anyway, it's like Christmas in April waiting for me when I got home today:


HP Dana 60 5.38 R&P and full installation kit:


Ford 10.25" 5.38 R&P, full installation kit, and Detroit Locker:


I also ordered a pinion yoke but it wasn't in the packages. Hopefully I'll know the deal tomorrow.


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