Sway Bar Group Is On! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sway Bar Group Is On!


Well-Known Member
November 13, 2002
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1994 XLT
Sway Bar Group Buy Is On!

Just wanted to let you all know that there has been a group buy started for our Explorer Express X-Spec Sway Bars. This includes 1991-2001 and 2001 Sports & Sport Tracs. See the group buy section for details.

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Do yourself a favor.... if you don't have this great bar(s), getinon this buy, you won't be sorry.

I would have to agree! The Stock "Sway" bar is worthless. The Anti-Sway Bars are the only way to go! Mine has saved my life more than once with Deer and Bad Drivers getting in my way.

No. 1 right here. I am definitely in!

Here is a picture to illustrate the difference between the stock bar and our X-Spec Sway Bar. It makes a big difference on the road as well. Reduced body roll and improved handling is what you can expect..


  • swaybarcomparoweb.jpg
    13.7 KB · Views: 341

I believe I'm in....

on another thread
