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Solved "SYNC does not have access to text messaging..."

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Elite Explorer
May 14, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
Ottawa, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
I have an iPhone 7 Plus that works well via Bluetooth with the Sync 3 system in my 2017 Explorer Platinum.

However, each time I get into the car, in order to receive text message notifications I have to go to the Sync 3 screen and touch Phone -> Text Messages. I then receive the following message:

SYNC does not have access to text messaging from Ou81's iPhone.

Check your phone to make sure you always grant SYNC access to your phone text messaging feature and then retry.

Retry Close

I then press Retry and all is well. I receive the following message:

Ou81's iPhone successfully connected. You will receive notifications for new text messages.

Is it normal to have to do this every time I get in the car?

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On your phone, go to Settings > Bluetooth and select Sync. Make sure 'Show Notifications' is on. If this is already on I would suggest a Sync Master Reset and re-pairing the phone.

Thanks. Show Notifications is on. I have re-paired a couple of times. How does one perform a Sync master reset?

To perform a Master Reset:

A master reset returns the SYNC® 3 system to the factory settings. If you experience problems with the SYNC 3 system, you can perform a master reset. A master reset also erases all personalized information such as paired phone or Bluetooth® devices and destinations or navigation points of interest.

  • Before you start
    There are a few things you should do before starting step 1:
    • Your vehicle must be in Park and running, not in Accessory mode.
    • Please make note of addresses, routes and destinations before performing a master reset. The process will erase all personalized information.
    • Disconnect or remove any USB devices that are connected to your vehicle's USB ports.
  • Press Settings in the Feature bar at the bottom of the screen.
  • Press the General icon (you may have to swipe to the next screen).
  • Press the Scroll bar or swipe vertically until you see Master Reset. Press Master Reset.
  • A message confirming that all system settings will be erased and reset to factory defaults will appear. Press Continue.
  • A “Resetting to factory defaults” message will appear, the system will turn off and the screen will go blank. It may take a few minutes for the system to reset and resume normal operation.

Thanks PlatinumOwner. That appears to have corrected the issue. I have been in and out of the car about 10 times and each time the phone has connected with text messaging enabled. Before it would connect but I'd have to manually enable text messaging.

Interestingly, after doing a system reset my AM radio presets were still there but the SirusXM ones had to be re-done.

OP has SYNC 3 not MFT. SYNC 3 does actually shut down(not sleep), this is why the startup time is longer vs. MFT(QNX boot is fairly quick though) SYNC 3 can also be restarted by holding Right Arrow + Radio Power.
Thanks for that info.
The link includes info on Master Reset, battery disconnect and fuse pull and information that might be useful for other issues as well. That is why I posted it. As for Sync 3 taking longer to start up, I can't say I've noticed that. It's fairly quick.


OP has SYNC 3 not MFT. SYNC 3 does actually shut down(not sleep), this is why the startup time is longer vs. MFT(QNX boot is fairly quick though) SYNC 3 can also be restarted by holding Right Arrow + Radio Power.
I just saw in the 2016 Manual that the same 'System Reset' procedure you mentioned is also shown for the 2016 which does not have Sync 3. Therefore I'm guessing a 'Sync System Reset' is the same as a 'Master Reset' using a different name.


The System Reset is just a reboot of Sync and does not clear setting whereas a 'Master Reset' will clear all of your settings.

I have an iPhone 7 Plus that works well via Bluetooth with the Sync 3 system in my 2017 Explorer Platinum.

However, each time I get into the car, in order to receive text message notifications I have to go to the Sync 3 screen and touch Phone -> Text Messages. I then receive the following message:

I've had a similar problem with using an Android phone with my 2017 Platinum as well. Mine does not require the reconnect every single time, but I have found that I need to do it about 2-3 times a week. I find it happens more often when other drivers (mife / kid) are driving the vehicle, so I suspect it's related to switching between phones.
