Tbars Project X = T/C ??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tbars Project X = T/C ???


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
woohoo, i made it to this point...i got my 4.56 gears and locker in up front...now the dreaded t/c testing...i plugged her in and heard no clicking this time...but wait, no problem so far...i pushed the 4x high button and good golly, she lit up...yeehaw...it get's better...i put it in neutral at a stop and pushed the 4xlow button and goodness gracious i heard it working and shifting, halleluah...i pushed the 4xlow button to get it out of 4low and all the lites went out...but wait again...i went thru the same senerial all over and got the same results...

Ok, here's the big question as this is the first and only auto 4x4 i have ever had...how do you get out of 4xlow and back into 4xhi???

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woohoo, i made it to this point...i got my 4.56 gears and locker in up front...now the dreaded t/c testing...i plugged her in and heard no clicking this time...but wait, no problem so far...i pushed the 4x high button and good golly, she lit up...yeehaw...it get's better...i put it in neutral at a stop and pushed the 4xlow button and goodness gracious i heard it working and shifting, halleluah...i pushed the 4xlow button to get it out of 4low and all the lites went out...but wait again...i went thru the same senerial all over and got the same results...

Ok, here's the big question as this is the first and only auto 4x4 i have ever had...how do you get out of 4xlow and back into 4xhi???

I think you push the 4x4 button again, and then again to get out of 4x4..not sure I been scrathing my head with this myself. The owners manual (yes still in the B2:eek: ) tells you how to get in but not out:confused: But it dosn't really matter sence I can't get it into 4x4 in the first place:(

lol, 4x4 hi is no problem for me...it's getting out of 4x4 lo that kicks all the lights off...so i'm thinking i'm doing something wrong, but don't worry, i have a brand new tow strap and we can take your bII with us...lol, i'm sorry i had to do that...i get the feeling your bII is going to not be stock within the year...:D

To go from 4Lo to 4Hi, you need to be stopped, and in neutral, and hold the clutch pedal in if you have a clutch, then press the low range button. If it's working right, it will shift out of low, and still be in 4x4.

don't say that...i was really hoping this was going to be a short thread...it is locking hubs with the push buttons...:scratch:

So you were in neutral, and had the clutch in?

lol, it's auto, a4ld tranny...i too am used to 2 sticks but it's buttons that always get me into trouble...

ok, i guess since this thing has not worked in awhile it took a couple times playing with it...it seems to work and i'm going to try and take it out on our local firetrail which is good enough for 4x2's just to test out the gears and locker...woohoo...i think i got a woody, lol....

it went i believe, into 2wd...i went back out and it worked perfect...i think since it hasn't been run in a couple years it might have been buggie...i think i got it, now to do a teast run...you want to go??? i posted a thread...

is the truck ok??? or you riding with your dad??? don't forget to take your helmet cam :D

Fluid level and color is fine, but it's still acting funny in O/D. I found a couple threads that describe exactly what it's doing so we'll see if those resolutions help me out.

i'm hoping it's an easy fix, fluid filter change and a little adjustment...if you want to bring it over and work on it here, no problem...
