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TDS '09 Return to Truckhaven Mar. 6th-8th.

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Wow, when you break you do it big. Are the rear ring and pinion re-useable?

wow, I don't think that rear ring and pinion are reusable, they are chipped up.

I'd go to the junkyard and pull a 4.10 geared 8.8 out if you're going to keep running that axle. Probably the cheapest option plus you'd get a spare set of shafts out of yours.

The front ring and pinion would have been fine, but I bought it used from someone on the pirate board....

After I installed it I noticed three of the teeth had hair line stress cracks on the outer surface of the ring gear. I figured screw it hopefully it would last through the weekend.... Well one of those gears did end up chipping.

On the back, ubfortunately your right a tooth chipped on that one also. The pinion probably would have been fine, but the ring chipped a tooth.

I gutted the front axle so its ready to go driving again.... Luckily I still have my 4.10 gears sets from before I swapped to 4.88's ... All I really need right now to atleast drive in 2wd is the carrier and spiders for the 8.8. I should be able to pick up a cheap used one.

All in all, those axles lasted 6 years, I guess I cant complain. Know I have an excuse to get going on my axle swap, Link it plans.....:rolleyes: time to save some money!

That's quality breakage! :salute: What exactly happened while trying to climb that wall? did you get airborne with heavy throttle, then land?

Actually, oddly enough, no.... I am the calm cool collective type. I keep it going smoothly, which is why I have kept everything together this long.

Here is what happened.....

I was climbing the wall. I took 4-5 attempts at it. My front driveshaft's slip yoke is a tiny bit too short.... It has only popped apart once before and it happened again. What happened was the front was fully extended and a little bit of axle wrap caused it to pop apart.... When that happened all the weight of the truck and power transfered to the rear axle and instantly split the carrier.

I actually didnt even know that the inner shaft on the front axle was broke until I got home. I was able to back all the way out of there with just one wheel drive. Your guess is as good as mine as to when the front axle shaft actually broke.... I think the low gears combined with the low end torque of the kenne bell blower is what twisted the shaft in half....
