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Teds Shed Build Thread

Well, boys and girls, this is probably going to be it for a few days. My wife and I are going to get away for a couple days, and my paint booth is covered in snow, so I can't paint the parts I have ready anyway :laugh: I found another slight bend in the frame too. The good news is that I got body mount bolts from McMaster Carr, and my axle shafts are done, I just need to pick them up.

I'll post more later.




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Are we there yet?

It’s shed season those are some nice racks!

I've never found a shed. I look for them all the time. I would rather shoot a doe or cow and shed hunt than shoot a big buck, so I'm hoping they will drop on my property. We have big bucks every year, but they don't seem to drop on my land🙁

This time of year when the snow is all frozen crusty it is easy to walk around the forest.
Out full time neighbors are awesome, they love rough… no power no running water,
Nice house beautiful land husband and wife. They are big time hunters and the wife keeps track of the local elk and deer herds. She has the matching left and right antlers from the same animal for the last two seasons… pretty friggin cool to be so in touch with the land

Those bucks aren't spooked if you approach them either.
You should rope one Ted. Make sure to tie the end to your belt...

Those bucks aren't spooked if you approach them either.
You should rope one Ted. Make sure to tie the end to your belt...
Live stream it to YouTube too.

I'd sign up for that.....

Haha, you guys are just trying to trick me!

Seriously, they are fairly calm. Scott walked up to probably 40 feet from one when we were doing that blue crew cab

Well, boys and girls, this is probably going to be it for a few days. My wife and I are going to get away for a couple days, and my paint booth is covered in snow, so I can't paint the parts I have ready anyway :laugh: I found another slight bend in the frame too. The good news is that I got body mount bolts from McMaster Carr, and my axle shafts are done, I just need to pick them up.

I'll post more later.

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Is that an S2000? Miata? In the corner.

We’re car people. In the shop is 2 miatas and a karmann ghia. They take up valuable bronco space:rant:
Cool cool!!! Our other projects & boat take up valuable truck space here hehe. Better than the people who use their garage space to store boxes, cant park any car there!

Not a huge update, but I got my 8.8 6 lug conversion done. I picked up my axles from Dutchman last weekend when my wife and I took off. I made a template to mark the explorer rotors and got to drilling. Any minor adjustments, I did with a die grinder. The discs look ugly, but fit fine :laugh:






Those guys at Dutchman are great to deal with!!!

The 6 lug B2 build.
GM engine
GM wheels....

You just had to point that out!!

Government motors

Doesn't matter, still a badass build!

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You guys crack me up!

Okay, opinion time, and I really need everyone to weigh in!

The factory frame has almost no welds. Should I add some at the crossmembers? Pros and cons?

