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Teds Shed Build Thread

I have some explorer disc brake questions. I've been reading Kirby N's ranger build (page 26) and turboexplorer's (page 6). They showed their trials and tribulations with explorer discs on F150 8.8s. Since I'm using an explorer housing, can't I just junkyard explorer stuff, get 6x5.5 shafts, and redrill the explorer discs?

Also, what about 6 lug f150 8.8 discs? My biggest concern with them is clearing my 16" rims

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F150 solid axle had 5 lug or 7 lug
Not sure if f150 Solid axle ever had 6 bolt, I think that’s the irs versions
The 5 lug rear rotors are 308mm

Explorer rear rotors are 285mm with internal e brake

I do not think you have the surface area on the Explorer rotor to drill the 6 on bolt spacing? no way Jose! (Edit Wrong see below)

Do they even sell 6 bolt axleshafts for a 8.8?
(Yes) Dutchman and others

Start Comparing parts on rockauto, take a look at rear rotor options and e brake shoes I don’t think anything is compatible full size 8.8 vs Explorer 8.8 except the ring and pinion

Okay so it looks like you can get your axles and apparently can drill blank explorer rotors to 6 on 5.5
That should take care of that!! Good to know!

looking forward to seeing a 6 lug ttb bronco ii

Not the first to go Down this path thanks to the popularity of the explorer axles in jeeps

Thanks for the reply, and the link. I was going to use Dutchman, as they are about 20 miles from my house.

I looked at 6 lug 150s in the junkyard. Sounds like people aren't too familiar with swapping them. I like the idea of redrilling explorer discs. I don't want to spend hours and hours fiddling around. I just want something that works.

According to Scott, the explorer discs are more than adequate on a V8 explorer with 37s, so I think they will be just fine for me.

I agree
I have v8 bii dual arb lockers on 35s
I have smaller front brakes then you (Dana 35 ttb, 97 ranger calipers dual piston) and the same 8.8 in back / discs
I use 95 explorer master cylinder and 93 explorer brake booster
Rabs delete

I can lock up all 4 if needed
I have excellent wheel speed control on descents (like dropping off rock ledges)
The little bii stops really good, tons of traction so the brakes are stellar. The factory brakes Dana 28 and 10”‘drums with RABS were questionable at best

The funnest builds are the ones you get to do, but someone else is spending the 💸💸
I hear someone shouting show me the money in my mind while reading that.

The funnest builds are the ones you get to do, but someone else is spending the 💸💸

I’m not so sure anymore!! Hahaha sometimes they just won’t leave the shop

I’m not so sure anymore!! Hahaha sometimes they just won’t leave the shop
Yeah, definitely! Scott and I did an IDI automatic to ZF conversion, and the guy added Super Duty seats during that :laugh:. He's talking about bringing it back for a turbo too.

The nice thing, is that it helps fund my B2 project👍

Today's update. Pulled the 2.9(finally). There was a lot of gunk and a pinecone under it. I also cleaned up the hubs and started to paint the knuckles.





Now we need the engine/tranz so we can set angles.

Will a 241 tcase fit?

Will a 241 tcase fit?
If you're asking me, don't know. There was some room to the driver's frame rail from the T-case, but I don't know how much bigger a 241 is. I would like to use one, but am considering a 231 if I have to.

Do you have an extra 241? I'm amassing quite the pile of 1356s, but no 241s

241s were GM Dodge specific iirc

The 241 was used in GMC and mopar applications. The 242HD is a better option. it's a 241 in a 242 case and has full time 4 wheel drive.

But does it have 4Lo?

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Hold up a minute

How is that engine out and truck up on stands? That hoist must be huge long

And the feet aren't spread wide either.
