Tell me EVERYTHING I need for a 2" BL on my 98 Eddie! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tell me EVERYTHING I need for a 2" BL on my 98 Eddie!

Nitrous SSC

Well-Known Member
October 17, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Layton, UT
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie 3-oh-2
I know this stuff gets asked 20000 million times but I searched and now I'm even more confused than when I started...

I would like to do a 2" body lift from PA....what is the part number for everything I need....also I know that its a kit that dosn't have certian bumper mounts but I can order the mounts from another kit....I keep getting confused because when people have posted about 2" BL's they get answers with 3"BL part numbers....I do not want to fabricate anything as I don't have the resources or time....I'll be taking 1 day off work and hopefully I can get someone who's done a BL before to come help me...

Help me out here....I'd like to get things ordered by tonight or tomorrow so I can get them on and the 265/75's ordered...

Also what are some supplies I need that arn't in a normal tool box to make things go better?

Thanks guys....

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air tools, some kind of bolt breaker loose, like pb blaster( think thats it) or something liek that


ask sgr1600, he's got four new posts on his xplorer, he should be able to help you out.

Let me tell you this, it's not so easy with a 5.0L.
The radiator has a plastic piece that comes out so far that you can't drop it down without cutting it off.
You'll see when you try the body lift.
Another thing you can do is just lower down the shroud and reroute the cooling lines so they don't get hit by anything, that's what I did after I broke my first radiator.

This information is for a 3" body lift, so be careful.

thanks for the tips....hopefully I won't have as much problems with a 2" :)

keep em coming if you can think of anything...

I need part numbers on what i need to order

can anyone tell me the specific #'s to order? I've heard 2 things...the 90-94 kit and the ranger kit...which one?
