Tellico run for 2003? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tellico run for 2003?

I've wanted to make a trip out east for awhile now, if I let you guys know (especially you Gerald, I'd love to finally actually wheel with ya...) a few weeks ahead of time, think it'd be cool if I came out for a week of wheeling? I'd probably be able to make the trip out in mid June to late July, so if you guys push back the official trip date to then, I'll plan on then. Otherwise, I'll let everyone know when I'm coming out and we'll see who we can get together. Alec, if you decide to go out there, I'd be interested in caravaning, and besides, it's nothing new to have you strapped on my bumper through wet and "must be climbed out of a river with wet tires" ;) That is as long as you don't mind my 4 wheel drive non supercharged beast tagging along...

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I agree with GJarret, Tellico will be packed that weekend, of course either way I am going, but it would be more enjoyable with a group this size with less people on the trails. How about mid June, weekend of the 13th ?, that's my birthday:D

Hey Guys,

Man I have not been here for a while.

Well I would love to go with you guys to Tellico if you do not mind a small XJ coming along.

Ken C

Ahh yes! I've been waiting for this thread for a while now. I'm in. I don't care when it is, as long as it is warm. I'll have my SFA in and locked front and rear with 35 MTs. I'm going to put my locker in the front axle tonight by the way. I'm also going to try to make the Uwharrie trip. Looking forward to it :bounce:

Happy trails!!

I'd be happy to caravan. Like I said, mid June is best for me. And like Gerald said, maybe during the week at Tellico or maybe another place that's a little less low-traction?

Alec, do you have a locker for your rearend?

Happy trails!!

Ken, you betcha you're welcome. Check my reply to you on the POR board :D Bring it awn! :bounce:

Josh, what are you building up there? You're gonna end up being the BigDawg Explorer out here :) Alec doesn't have a locker but he's got a high quality LSD; I think it's an Eaton.

Jared, com'n on out anytime. I may have tow hooks installed by then, LOL :D

Alec, from what I hear Uwharrie may become a "best bet" run and seems to be a popular place out here. If you and Jared want to try to plan a trip let me know. I do know that Michael and Randall want to return to Tellico and try to conquer it after they both install bigger tires and switch to Swampers :smoke: so there's plenty of opportunity for a major TX to GA/NC/TN run caravan.

Not sure what i'm build Gerald :confused:

haha. I'm waiting on Cory to give me a date. Should be in the next few weeks that he'll have my truck and he'll have it for about a month and then i'll be a "big dawg"!! I can't wait. Next thing i need is a winch.

Happy trails!!

Originally posted by TarHeel085
small XJ my ass! ive seen you around town rollin those 35" MTR's :D


Oh ya those 35's are last season.
hee hee

its all part of my axle build up.


Originally posted by GJarrett
Ken, you betcha you're welcome. Check my reply to you on the POR board :D Bring it awn! :bounce:

Sweeet, just keep us updated on a date.

Ken C

Guys, I'll start get-n ready for some time in that part of the year;) I've got plans to put a new (barely USED) motor and cam in before the trip(Lord Willing).

Ex-1, So, you wer borned on the 13 th of June-was ya? Me also, but I'm sure I'm a little older (64):cool:

My birthdate is 6-13-66, the 64 is that your age or year born?:confused:

I arrived just a head of you (1964). You know I'm the "Old Geezer" in the Flex.. group. You need to make a run down here--it would be nice to have someone my age to talk to. He He! Not really, I've only got a couple years on the other guys. ;)


I am planning to try to make it down this summer, right now trying to get my ex ready for tellico, I had to pass it up last year, but will be ready this time.

Haven't been around in a while, but I'd like to go, as long as there aren't too many people going;).

FYI, CNC has a trip (proposed) for April 18 - 20.

Someone mentioned Uwharrie, it is much better than GWNF and much easier than Tellico. Plus it's only a 1 day drive for me (about 6 hours).

Update on date, looks like guys from the flex board are planning on june 4th thru the 8th. who else is for that?
Gerald I hope you can make that.

One last question on how to get there, I know how to get to Murphy, I would be coming down 129 from Knoxville, how close to murhy is the park? And once in Murphy is it easy to find the place where everyone will meet?

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We'll probably just have to wait to the closer date it self to find a meeting place. It will probably depend on how many are actually showing up.

Happy trails!!
