The 5R55E and the infamous 2-3 shift flare issue | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The 5R55E and the infamous 2-3 shift flare issue

CP - you misplaced your post at the end of a thread that's several years old, no one will see it.... Start a NEW posting with a TITLE, Good Luck Sir.

not misplaced my friend. I had posted in this thread last year and people responded. Nothing wrong with bringing a thread back up to the top if the new post is relevant to what is being discussed. Why start a new thread when you can simply have the existing one back in front of everyone?

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^ Agree, especially for very common and trouble prone 5R55 transmissions. The same issue in a single thread makes perfect sense.

My rebuilt transmisson has 2k miles on it and has started the famous rpm jump between 2nd and 3rd gear. Not bad but I hate to spend 3400.00 and it not be right. This is my 3rd transmisson could it be a problem with computer on 2001 sport trac

Make sure the MAF sensor is clean and maybe disconnect the battery to reset the computer. Hopefully that will make some improvements.

Could also be a problem with the valve body or even a solenoid. Is the flare only when hot?

I've been looking for this thread since 2012! I must've taken my Explorer to 3 different transmission shops and no one could explain why I get a 250-300rpm flare up on my 07 v6 EX. Drove me insane, I had the transmission rebuilt at 80k due to worn servo bores and the 2nd-3rd shift flares. The rough shifting is all gone but after 8000 miles on the rebuild the infamous flare came back and got pretty bad. They changed out the solenoids and valve body and all was good for another 5000 and then the flare shows up at very random times. Makes sense that a contaminant could cause this issue and the more often you keep the fluid clean the better off you are. I'm at 25k since the rebuild and am due for a drain and fill. Maybe eventually whatever the hell is in their will come out!

My rebuilt transmisson has 2k miles on it and has started the famous rpm jump between 2nd and 3rd gear. Not bad but I hate to spend 3400.00 and it not be right. This is my 3rd transmisson could it be a problem with computer on 2001 sport trac
Dude I'm in the same boat, I had mine rebuilt 4 years ago and have only put 35k on it and that amount of time and I've battled those flares. Very irritating after after spending a ton of money. I wish I would've opted for a reman instead of a rebuild. It's like there's something floating around in my tranny that shows up ever now and then just to piss me off. Sounds like frequent fluid changes are the best fix.

I have a question. My 2001 Explorer Sport 5r55e has a 2-3 shift flare and depending on how I use the gas I can minimize it. But when traveling up hill the flare is quite bad and jumps 300 RPMs even when I try to minimize it. The fluid is darker but doesn't smell burnt, I want to change the valve body gasket, and the EPC, and probably drop a bottle of Lucas slip fix in with the new Merc. V, and tighten the bands. Will this probably help the transmission?

