The Big Run: Truckhaven Oct. 23-24th 2010 | Page 15 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Big Run: Truckhaven Oct. 23-24th 2010

On our way. See you fellas out there!

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Sitting in class right now and it sucks! I'll be on the road in 3.5 hours.

Sitting in class right now and it sucks! I'll be on the road in 3.5 hours.

ditto!!! :mad: ill should be leaving here by 4. hopefully traffic wont suck too bad...

I would rather be in a classroom then doing a mind numbing and boring online hazard material certification class.

At the ampm. Be there momentarily.


Motorhome people. After the right turn at the hill stay to the left at the mud.


Better get the straps ready :p:

Warning to those coming in tomorrow...

On the paved portion of N. Marina Dr. there is a section of asphalt that has sunk. It's basically an upside down speed bump. It is only in the lane leading up to the wash. The left side of the road is ok. It looks like the asphalt sunk during the last rain. If you hit this mutha... you'll know it:eek: When I got to it it was very hard to see. I would say it's between 1/2 and 3/4 of the way up the asphalt portion.

There's a full moon tonight, I hope you guys do a night run!!!
The weather guy mentioned wind in the desert, how was it today?
See you a little before 9AM.

Waiting for the CJ hill teaser;)

Guys, I had a great time today. I think CJ Hill was the scariest thing I've ever climbed. Not the hardest but definately the scariest since I don't have a cage. Hopefully someone got video of it as well as me going up the waterfall.


See someone Brought there Explorer rather than there Ranger ;)

(just sayin'):D

Waiting for the CJ hill teaser;)

Only two of us tried. I walked up it easier then I ever had. It looked worse then ever but I hit it just right the first time and went right up.

Guys, I had a great time today. I think CJ Hill was the scariest thing I've ever climbed. Not the hardest but definately the scariest since I don't have a cage. Hopefully someone got video of it as well as me going up the waterfall.


It was great meeting you Ron. Hopefully we see you and your daughters on more runs in the future.

wow, there are a lot of people out there,,

We just happened to be there when a lot of others were. With the area being so open you rarely get stuck in any traffic out there.

There was a lot of carnage today. Nothing real major but enough there will be work being done. I have a tire now that will hold air for about 5 minutes. I am glad my ranger is trailer trash.

I only took a few pictures here is what I got.





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