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The California End of Summer Run.

Vibes, we could run part of the Dusey and come back out in a day. I would like to do that. I think we might be the only two signed up with lockers so far.

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BKennedy said:
Vibes, we could run part of the Dusey and come back out in a day. I would like to do that. I think we might be the only two signed up with lockers so far.

I think Rick is usually locked. At least when the ARB wants to work. ;) But then again, sometimes he forgets to get out and lock his hubs too. :D Yall have fun. I wish I wasn't so far away. :(

im locked now. ill run dusty also for the day.

whats the deal with camping? is there going to be enough spots?



Thanks for the personal invite. It's been a while since I've been on a run with the group and this sounds like fun. Count me in.

Is there an updated list of participants. I saw a couple familiar names on the list posted back in June.


Sorry guys...I just got back in town last night. I was on a business trip in Vegas.

Yes there is plenty of room for us all to camp. ;) It would be really Great to see more people sign up :bounce: I know a lot of you showed intrest in this so get over there and sign up! :burnout:

you guys dont mind if i bring beer as something for the potluck? hehe.

I'd love to go, but Fresno is a long way from Cody, WY. Have fun guys.

clarkkent said:
you guys dont mind if i bring beer as something for the potluck? hehe.

Well, that all depends on the quality of beer and the quantity. I vote for good beer or ale and lots of it!!

my friends and I were thinking about bringing a keg, but the long hot drive will probably get the beer warm by the time we get to fresno. any particular kind of beer u guys want?

BKennedy said:
Vibes, we could run part of the Dusey and come back out in a day. I would like to do that. I think we might be the only two signed up with lockers so far.

Sounds like a good idea. I'm game. Hopefully we will have a few more big dogs.

Ritsui we invite all comers..........even if they don't have lockers. You can come wheelin with us anytime, and we won't expect you to total your rig. Although, you might get a few scratches on the dirty side. Stic-O ran all the hardest trails in Big Bear with us with only a few minor scrapes that were visible when his rig was totally stock. We just enjoy the company of fellow wheelers. We do private runs, or make it known that we plan on body damage on a public run, when we want to really bang up our rigs.

This run sounds to me like our Truckhaven events; everyone is invited and we try to adjust our wheelin' so everyone has a good time.

By the way, please don't start a post with "No offense", and then put in the next sentence wording that could be taken by most as offensive.

Did I just see right, a KEG!!??

clarkkent said:
my friends and I were thinking about bringing a keg, but the long hot drive will probably get the beer warm by the time we get to fresno. any particular kind of beer u guys want?

All you need is a kegerator. If we keep that full of ice it should chill the beer enough. :chug:

BKennedy said:
please don't start a post with "No offense", and then put in the next sentence wording that could be taken by most as offensive.
Sorry, but I didn't intend that to be offensive to anyone but stic-o and disclaimed it only because I was accusing stic-o of not wanting unlocked explorers to go (which I later realized was not the case). I appreciate the reassurances, but I think we just got the wrong impression of the other's posts. In re-reading, it sounds like stic-o took my statement "we'll be sticking to "moderate" and easier trails" as if I was trying to speak for the group, when the we referred only to my wife and I. In any case, my appologies to stic-o and anyone else who might have been pissed by that post. I'd post a :hug: smiley, but there isn't one here and I really don't want to hug a bunch of dusty, sweaty 4x4 forum members anyway :)

Of course, all that was gone in my mind till you brought it back up ;), but getting back to the event: For my own attendance, the only real problem is distance and dogs. If we had a weekend dog-sitter it would be OK (and we're looking into it), but for a two or three day trip, bringing the dogs AND doing any serious wheeling represents a bit of a dilema as the dogs can't be in the truck on really rough trails and I don't want to leave my wife behind as a dog sitter all day either. As the first trip we've attempted to plan with both wheeling and two dogs in the picture, it's just not as easy as I would like.

Hopefully, my wife and I will work something out in time.

ok for the camping is it a first come basis on the spots or rsvp?????

I might just be the popular guy at the event who brought the keg... hmm.... we'll see, we'll see..

kdogg212001 said:
ok for the camping is it a first come basis on the spots or rsvp?????

First come

Ritsui- It easy to become misunderstood. No hard feelings :chug: If it makes you feel better. If my dad gets his Zuki up and running in time, my parrents will come along. They will be bringing there dogs as well. (2 Labs and a Mix)

Everything is very cool..........just as long as we get to wheel!

I took my two wimpy dogs on John Bull and they survived.

Stic-O, about how many spaces are there in this campsite you located?
And.....can I get in there with my pop-up trailer?

My Dad is thinking about coming along and is asking if you will allow a Toyota 4Runner. Its totally stock, except for the missing running boards.

He wants to know if a 36 foot motorhome will fit in this camping area.

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There should be enough a room for your popup brian. There is a couple of big spots that you could fit a few large RV's (ie. Trailer, Moterhome) My Parrents if they come will bring there. I took some pictures of the site. I'll try to get them up when i get home tonight. ;)
