BKennedy said:
please don't start a post with "No offense", and then put in the next sentence wording that could be taken by most as offensive.
Sorry, but I didn't intend that to be offensive to anyone but stic-o and disclaimed it only because I was accusing stic-o of not wanting unlocked explorers to go (which I later realized was not the case). I appreciate the reassurances, but I think we just got the wrong impression of the other's posts. In re-reading, it sounds like stic-o took my statement
"we'll be sticking to "moderate" and easier trails" as if I was trying to speak for the group, when the
we referred only to my wife and I. In any case, my appologies to stic-o and anyone else who might have been pissed by that post. I'd post a :hug: smiley, but there isn't one here and I really don't want to hug a bunch of dusty, sweaty 4x4 forum members anyway
Of course, all that was gone in my mind till you brought it back up

, but getting back to the event: For my own attendance, the only real problem is distance and dogs. If we had a weekend dog-sitter it would be OK (and we're looking into it), but for a two or three day trip, bringing the dogs AND doing any serious wheeling represents a bit of a dilema as the dogs can't be in the truck on really rough trails and I don't want to leave my wife behind as a dog sitter all day either. As the first trip we've attempted to plan with both wheeling and two dogs in the picture, it's just not as easy as I would like.
Hopefully, my wife and I will work something out in time.