The Good and Bad, After a week with my '14 Sport | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Good and Bad, After a week with my '14 Sport

Finally got in to get my dealership to take pics of the mirror and send them to Ford. Ford replaced the mirror under warranty. I just got the new mirror installed about a week ago, as I have been on the road for work most of the year to date. 18,000km on the Sport now, second oil change done.....

I am now down to 11.1L/100km, still the exact same driving as I have been doing since I got it so the mileage is slowly improving which I was warned about.

The red Sport sure is a stunner when she is all cleaned up!!!

I did a couple trips through the winter towing the sleds through snowstorms etc, some trips as long as 14 hours one way and I will say I love the way the Sport tows.... Which is could since it's one of the reasons I bought it!

Sorry I haven't been online much lately!! :thumbsup:


