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The Harley-Davidson Explorer Saga

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The only thing to be done that is not yet is 2 5x7 in the tailgate. My Girlfriend told me that she wants me to put tvs in the headrests of the front seats.

Youtube, lmao! Thats how I learned.

Basically, You cover everything that you want to fiberglass with felt. If you want to make something you first need to create a mold, using wood or foam, what ever you have to make a mold. If you use foam or anything of that type, DO NOT put a coat of resin on first! Resign gets really hot and will melt right through it. I have good carpenter skills so I use wood for all of my molds. You use the felt to shape everything how you want it, and staples. I will say that you can not use too many staples, the more the better. If you only use a few than the material will not stay where you want it and the shape is ruined. Put resign on the felt, this way it all hardens and it is still not too far to play with it. If you put the fiberglass mat on right away, if you mess up than you have to cut it all off and it is difficult. After everything sets and is ready, cut the mat up in small strips. If you have too large of pieces, the mat will fold and it is a pain in the but to cut or remove. After everything sets and is hard, it is up to you, you can leave it as is for what you are using it for, or i you want you can get body filler to make it all smooth and paint it. Hope it helps, have any questions, feel free to ask.

If not a write up or a sticky I think you should put all this into its own thread (all of the figerglassing part)

I will do a step by step when I do my center counsel.

Well, my GF Helped me take pics for the write up, BUT I lost the memory card so I will try it some other time.

BUT here is some new pics!







you stepped on your own toes by fiber glassing where your tail gate closes at the bottom where the cargo hooks are. that's where the rear body mounts are you you're gonna have to drill through to get to the bolts when you do your body lift

I removed all the cargo hooks and bolts already.

I'm more interested in how you're going to get that tv out when you hit a pothole and the screen cracks, or a plug comes loose from the vibrations of driving... I'm gonna burst from laughter if you say take the window

Just when you think it can't get any worse it does. Looks like you have watched too may episodes of Pimp my ride.

I'm more interested in how you're going to get that tv out when you hit a pothole and the screen cracks, or a plug comes loose from the vibrations of driving... I'm gonna burst from laughter if you say take the window

Actually I have someone working on making it so I can remove part of the window to be able to access it. Since the glass is tempered glass, The whole window has to come out and install polycarbonate instead.

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These were just on the page, let me know if you need more!?









