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The haunted Explorer

Hey guys I just thought of some thing.

When I cleaned the IAC the other day, I noticed there was no gasket! I wasnt sure if there is one or not, so I quickly paged threw my chilton manual and yes there should be a gasket.

Could this be the culprit?

Either way, I guess it would be a good idea to have one, maybe I should just ask a ford dealer if they have one to spare?

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Yes, the IAC needs a gasket and this very well could be the cause. You could always just get cut-to-fit gasket rubber and use that. I would not use RTV.

Cool, I hope this is the culprit?

Where might I find the cut to fit gastket material? Hardware, auto store I assume?

Damn mech/tech. :mad:

Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I noticed when the truck doesnt start normally the fuel pump stays running longer then it should. Matter of fact it has done this since the problem began. So the relay was replaced and so was the fuel pump.

But neither helped.

if you need a gasket and you dont already have one then write me back i get stuff really cheap. just give me your address and ill send you one. dont worry bout paying me im sure you'll be able to help me sometime.

Originally posted by AK Exploder
if you need a gasket and you dont already have one then write me back i get stuff really cheap. just give me your address and ill send you one. dont worry bout paying me im sure you'll be able to help me sometime.

Hey thanks for the offer, im gonna try and see if I can pick one up Monday. If not, I may just have to take you up on that.


I picked up a gasket for the IAC this a.m. and put it on. I guess I'll see what happens in a few days?

BTW, I havnt had a starting problems since I reset the computer. I guess that was close to a week ago? I dont know what to think.

My brother is on X-mas break, so Id really like to have this thing fixed before he goes back to school.

well i hope that fixed your problem. if it did then im glad for you. if you ever need anything just let me know. good luck with it.

Update????? Is it fixed?

Originally posted by Positive Vibes
Update????? Is it fixed?

Ha, yeah right! Not as much, the weather has been fairly mild in are area. So it hasnt acted up to much.

I doubt we will ever find the problem?

Thanks for asking though.

I used to have the same problem.

Have you ever replaced the battery, I know the battery shop say its good but I had the same problem and I changed everything, so i just said I wanted a new battery, I poped it in and my X ran fine. About two months later it began again but this time I had the same RpM trouble, it ended up being my alternator.

So saying u have the same problems I did, when u try to start your X, its the battery, when U come to a stop its the battery for it doenst have enough power in it. When it runs great after 5 min, the battery now has enough power so it runs great, when it try's to turn off it could be the alternator, for it may not be working and your X is running off the battery alone hence it could be draining your battery, and when you go to start it up the problems begin.
Try to get a brand new battery if the problem is still there new alternator. I know yours are fairly new but my battery was only 6 months in and the alternator had been changed a year before.

A little update.

My brother called me the other night and noticed something. Well we noticed it before but it has gotten worse.

Before my brother goes to work, he warms the engine for about 10 min before leaving. He noticed that when pulling out of the driveway the engine idles down real low(around500rpms). The headlights dim and the engine kinda feels like it wants to stall. But after driveing just downt he road a mile or so, the and coming to the end of his street it no longer does it.

I still say it's the IAC, but my god, what it wrong with this truck that it needs a new IAC once a year???

BTW, the CPS didnt do the trick either.

hunted explorer

my explorer is doing the same thing? had it to the ford dealer, ase mech,no one knows any thing sotimes it runs great others not so good.i would love some insight because this is our only transpo and we need it

try a new fuel pump relay

already did relay,cranksensor,ign mode,still no good,dealer said it was my battery so i replaced that ran good for a month then back to same old thing . ive had this problem for 2 years and no one knows

Could it be the power distribution box? I know that one of my fuses plays hell on my system. About a year ago I blew a fuse in the box, so I replaced it and it gave me a hard time for about half a year. It would be seated in the box correctly, but somehow it wouldn't make any contact.

Everytime my vehicle wouldn't start, I'd have to raise the hood, open the box and mess with the fuses (wiggling them) to get it to start.

It almost sounds like a short-circuit causing a circuit breaker to fail.

Well that is one possible cause.

However my brother or I dont want to mess around with that stuff. Ive checked the fuses and all look good. There is a chance that one of the wires could be loose, but I doubt it.

It's looking like we will never find the cause and could be very costly to have a pro look at it. Hell ive had it looked at before and they couldnt even find the problem. :rolleyes:

my aunt was having the same prolblem cleaning the computer harness with electrical contact cleaner fixed it

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no start

thanks shots ill try cleaning the computer connections ill let you all know how this worked
