The next thing was this... i had two large twelves, and an amp taking up my entire cargo area. sounded great, but i like having that area. Also, without tinting all my rear windows, i was also a bit paranoid, about anyone passing by, could see that BIG box, two twelves, and large amp. and busting my windows out to steal it. so i went to PNP, and found an EB, that was kind enought to donate it's factory MACH subwoofer, box and cover. i was even lucky that it was the same color as my interior. so i removed this:
and removed the factory "busted" speaker that was in the enclosure, and bought this.
I then put two layers of double sided tape, but left the outer layer with the tape on between the comp sub and the box, for sealing/vibration protection, so in case i needed to remove the sub for whatever reason, i could. i then installed it in the "stock" "EB" location. fit like a glove. i only had to drill 1 hole in the floor for the bottom mounting bracket. and so it was installed.
I then prepped the cover, by adding small tabs of the double sided tape, to prevent a vibrating cover. i was careful in removing it from the EB, so that the tabs would remain usable.
I then installed the cover
and made a small metal plate, that i painted black, and put the Kicker decal, (1 of 2), that came with the sub., above it, to give "props", and to cover the three small holes i had from the original brackets i had holding the top of the Big sub box in place.
I did not use the factory amp, i left that at PNP. it would have been an additional cost, plus i had another amp, (also a smaller) Power acoustic amp, that was ready to hook into place, and used two of the original factory amp mounting bolt locations. and hidden behind this panel. so before i actually put the side cover and front cover etc, on, i tuned/adjusted the amp, to the sub, and my HU. so once installed, everything was hidden. it does not sound like two MTX 12's, but i am happy with it. still has some thump, sounds good in the EX, and i have a clean cargo area.