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The SoCal Crew

Originally posted by Stic-o
LMAO! I didn't think so!:p I was just curious if maybe they were cheap enough and in a little time I could get some cash.:rolleyes: The Donation thing is kinda a joke!

I just know I'm gonna have to put out for rims too Sooo.

Well I say we could just go down to 1 for more fun, but who's gonna pull you back over when you put it on it's side again!:p

Let me know if you are gonna pass on the tires. I'll 'store' them up here with all the other crap I have. :rolleyes:

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Let me know if you are gonna pass on the tires. I'll 'store' them up here with all the other crap I have.

Yeah that works! and then you'll say "Steve get these tires out of my garage there taken up too much space!":p

Originally posted by Stic-o
Yeah that works! and then you'll say "Steve get these tires out of my garage there taken up too much space!":p


I made some 'room' under the bush this weekend. :D



Originally posted by Jefe
9am it is! At the In-n-Out - Sand Canyon Exit off the 14.

Jobunn, whats it looking like for you?

Not good unfortunately.:( I can't ever seem to coordinate a run with you guys. I'll know for sure tonight. My big problem is the time of course.

Jefe, for Last Chance would you figure a total of 3 hours commute and a few hours for wheelin? So a good ETA on being back is ~ 3:30 PM?

I would think we'll be back before dark:rolleyes:

Tim am I picking you up?

Originally posted by jobunn
Jefe, for Last Chance would you figure a total of 3 hours commute and a few hours for wheelin? So a good ETA on being back is ~ 3:30 PM?
I think 3:30 is possible, but I hate wheeling on a schedule.

I am just trying to plan the day so I can make the run, split off from you guys early to make it back. I wouldn't want to put anyone on my time schedule, I hate that too!

But still it does not look like I am gonna have enough time.

Nice. That definitly shows the severity of his predicament.

What!:banghead: It didn't go over!:D

Notice Jefe crigeing in that pic!:D Great stuff!;)

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