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The X got XM


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Prescott, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Street
After going to three different places and 3 hours of work. The X has XM radio. I should have got this a long time ago. It is so cool, and the quality is great!


Terk Antenna

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Congrats Man!

If you don't mind me asking, how month $$$ total + monthly charge? Do you pay for XM per vehicle? Or an account you can put in multiple vehicles?



Once again you follow my foot steps...

lol, No really Satellite Radio is great. I love not having any commercials and the sound quality is awesome. I can't remember the last time I have listed to local radio.


Rock!This is the page for my Sirius Install.

2001+ Sports

250 for the hardware, 14.99 start-up fee, 9.99 a month. Each Decoder has to have it's own account. Sony one that you can move around Car, Home, Car.

Ya know that has got to be freaky beeing able to drive across the country and NOT have to change the station.
I personally have no need for XM but if I traveled the US a lot with out question I would have one.

The only problem is there are 100 channels and only 6 presets on one section of my head unit. So in order to program in more then 6 I have to switch sections XM1, XM2, XM3. I can't just flip through all 18, grrrr!

I am gonna take the mouse from my computer , paint it black and glue it to my roof and make every body think I have XM
