That is a contradiction, you say there is no proof, but your position has evidence. That makes no sense.[/quote]
By the dictionary definition, you are correct. Let me rephrase. When I said proof, I mean 100% verifiable proof. The earth is a sphere... there are many ways we can prove that. There is plenty of evidence that supports global warming. Those who wish to dispute it see it as a natural climate change that is independent of human behavior. I can't dispute that. It's too coincidental that we are experiencing much harsher weather patterns as our use (and abuse) of fossil fuels increase.
I do not support the taxation of myself or my country because some group of people think(wrongly) that we all are damaging the world etc. Do not support such crap and drag us all along with you. If you want to give your assets toward the idea of stopping man made harm, fine. Leave the rest of us alone.
I hate paying taxes as much as anyone else. But to have usable roads and a firetruck that will actually get me to the fire, they are a necessary evil. Like I said earlier, our government is screwed up. No one, Republican or Democrat has the balls to stop all this pork barrel spending.
I don't know where you read that, but it was not from me. I specifically stated elsewhere that a given number of vehicles will be built in the USA. That will result in a certain number of Americans building them, regardless of what manufacturer it is. Others have suggested that buying a Japanese vehicle increases the number of American jobs. That is the stupid idea which I was responding to. People justify doing the wrong thing, due to some created bad reason.
The point I'm trying to make is that lately, Japanese manufacturers have built more plants in the United States and hired more Americans. The Japanese building plants here did not cause Ford and GM and that other "American" company to lay off workers and shut down plants. Outsourcing and poor business decisions did that.
The communism reference I made is something which has been pointed out on a couple of radio shows. The environmentalist movement has grown massively since the fall of communism. At the same time, the reasoning from environmentalists has become more illogical and harmful to our free society. They are basically against anything and everything which is good for freedom and a free economy. They want no use of any of our resources, no nuclear energy, and bigger government, to raise taxes to support massive new entitlement programs, etc. The list goes on and on, and it gets old fighting for what should be logical thoughts for freedom.
Don, I can tell that you are an intelligent and patriotic man, but radio shows... Talk radio is the biggest source of propaganda out there. It's mainly right wing because the left sucked at it, but it all propaganda. I'm assuming you're talking about Rush, Savage, Bortz or Coulter. I'll tell you this. Those four are praying every night that Obama wins and is a two term president because they'll have eight more years of guaranteed income.
There are fringes to every movement and the environmentalists are no different. But don't let some talking head who doesn't care if they tell the truth or not give you your information. I'm all for nuclear and I'm a pretty strong environmentalist.
As for free economy, there hasn't been one of those in ages. The "free economy" that they talk about on the radio isn't free. It's completely manipulated with trade agreements. No one in our government has the courage to create a system that rewards companies for hiring Americans. You could tax companies a relatively lower rate and more than make up for it with an increased number of wage earners. It's a win-win situation.
All of this and that is about our freedoms. We have every freedom there is(by god given, not government), until government and the regulations come along and take them away a little at a time. Please read the Constitution and see where we began, the government is supposed to serve and protect us, not take care of us or tell us what to do. Regards,
I have read the Constitution, btw. I believe that's the document that Clinton used to wipe Monica's chin with and Bush later used to wipe his @$$. This country was built on freedoms. But with freedom comes great responsibility. And unfortunately, when people act irresponsibly, the government intervenes and makes it worse.
A great example is gun control. In my eyes, the bad guys are going to have what ever gun they want. It's not as if they care that they'll have a weapons charge tacked onto their murder rap. So, I think that we should be able to have whatever gun we want. However, there has to be checks in place. There needs to be enough of a wait to thoroughly check someone's background. There also needs to be registration and ballistic fingerprinting. Therefore, if someone commits a crime with the gun it can be traced to the owner. If the owner was irresponsible and lost it, had it stolen, etc, they need to share the blame.
Don, I tend to think we agree on a lot of things. But these last eight years have really pissed me off. We've lost too many freedoms, we've lost too many jobs and we've allowed China to own us. We go into Afghanistan to take down the ******* who attacked MY city, killed 343 of MY brothers and avenge all the other evils of 9/11 and then we just up and leave for... don't get me started. We could have made Afghanistan a crater for all I cared and then if Saddam needed a beat down, whatever. But Osama is still out there and I'm still pissed.