Thoughts on this trans | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Thoughts on this trans


"I'm counting to 3, then I'm getting your dad."
Elite Explorer
March 16, 2013
Reaction score
City, State
Woodstock, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Ford Explorer 4.6l
As you can see, it’s stated to be out of an ‘04 Explorer with a 4.6l.

Guy pulled it out of a wrecked Explorer with 140k on it.

What do you think?

First thing I noticed is an after market torque converter, which could mean a rebuilt trans.

Dont really want to soemd the $450 if its just OE.


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Did the seller provide any history?

I agree, I wouldn't spend $450 for a 140K mi transmission that May need a rebuild, especially if that is what is in your X right now.

Your taking a huge risk buying a transmission with an undocumented history. The only "good used" transmissions I bought where throught "Barley Used AUto PArts" that come with a warranty and are know to work or you are given another one. If the trans was "rebuilt" by a shop or re-builder, it should have some sort of identification on it to indicate such. Best thing to do with an unknown transmission you want to use it to take it apart, inspect it, and replace seals, steels, clutches, gaskets, solenoids, ect..., then have the converter inspected and/or rebuild by a reputable shop.

I’d asked if there was any kind of warranty if I had it installed and then tested, he said no. So I walked away.

But looking at that blue TC, I can’t help but think it was rebuilt.

Mine has 216k on it and is starting to act up.

Pull the side servos and look for sleeves. If you see brass your good.

Seller is very unagreeable. lol.

Not wanting to spend $1,600-$2,500 on one...

I'd low-ball him or pass if he doesn't want to let you peek.

Might as well, if I piss him off, so be it. Guy is acting shady anyways.

Offered $250. Too much risk on a 5r55 tranny I said.
