I had the trans completely replaced and made so its not run through the radiator last Feb, It included "new"case, all internals upgraded bands, updated planetarys, and shift kit. I believe the TC was included in this process. From then I had 18K or 18 months. As of right now I am with in 50 miles of that 18K and I like the shop a lot , I mean I have had my issues with the tranny nothing serious at all and one time it was my fault for F'in around on some Ice/snow hills and they repaired it at no cost.The shop has always been quick to give the truck back in perfect working order and are very nice about it. I do drive kind of hard on it , I will admit so Im glad to have a shop that doesnt blame me for messing it up. The last time it went in was for the kick down cable and it was in and out in about an hour and they said my fluid looked real good. I think this time I am going to bring them an AUX filter to put in line and add an even larger cooler since I will be out of warranty very soon.