torsion bar? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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torsion bar?


December 8, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Hacienda Heights(los angeles)
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
Last week is did a shackle and torsion twist on my 96 explorer 4x4. but i am noticing a prolem, the left side is lower then the right, i have cranked the adjuster bolt almost as far as it can go(about 2mm left), but on the right side which is 1/2 in higher then the left there is about 1/2 left on the adjuster bolt. Does this mean that my left torsion bar is bad and could posibly fail? how do i change it?

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You might have to add a longer bolt to even the sides out!

Or back the right side back down.


but what conserns me the most is that the left side is it tightened almost all the way while the other side has bearly been tightened

i noticed a similar problem with mine and was told it was just a weak spring, im not sure if this could be your problem but that was mine

It just means that one spring has more weight on it than the other, or one spring is a little weaker than the other, or both.

Crank one or the other as needed to level out the truck. It's that simple.


Same Thing

I had the same problem but I drove it aroud a while and now I only has 3/8" difference. Somewhere I read that it is because a lot of miles are driven with only 1 person. But I had to screw the left a half turn more than the right. Good Luck :confused:
