Touch up paint pen (yz duplicolor oxford white) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Touch up paint pen (yz duplicolor oxford white)


New Member
July 7, 2024
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Portland Oregon
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Ford Explorer XLT

Not the best but I did some touch up with a duplicolor pen on a big scrape. My explorer is not perfect by any means so I didn't try too hard to make it nice cause it won't improve much lol. For the most part just didn't want rust getting under good paint. I think it turned out really good so far. Still working on it making it a little better but the improvement for the little effort I put in and the 15 bucks for the pen I'm super happy with how it's turned out so far

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View attachment 460175View attachment 460176
Not the best but I did some touch up with a duplicolor pen on a big scrape. My explorer is not perfect by any means so I didn't try too hard to make it nice cause it won't improve much lol. For the most part just didn't want rust getting under good paint. I think it turned out really good so far. Still working on it making it a little better but the improvement for the little effort I put in and the 15 bucks for the pen I'm super happy with how it's turned out so far
You need too first ,wash the surface with soap and water. De-grease the surface, sand with 400, wipe then paint.

You only did the first step. After you apply the paint. You will built it up above the paint surface. Once the paint dry, you need too sand it with 400 grit ( wet or dry) sandpaper ( or higher). That will level the paint surface ( smooth out). Then you need too buff it out ( the surface scratch ) with 3m compound. Then you polish out

You need too first ,wash the surface with soap and water. De-grease the surface, sand with 400, wipe then paint.

You only did the first step. After you apply the paint. You will built it up above the paint surface. Once the paint dry, you need too sand it with 400 grit ( wet or dry) sandpaper ( or higher). That will level the paint surface ( smooth out). Then you need too buff it out ( the surface scratch ) with 3m compound. Then you polish out
Thats if you want a good finish I definitely agree

But it seems OP just wants rust protection- in that case I think the scuff tip on the pen is fine then degrease then paint & leave it. Its how I always done it on the Explorer (side note as adetailer I dont do that on customers cars but on the Explorer I dont care)

You need too first ,wash the surface with soap and water. De-grease the surface, sand with 400, wipe then paint.

You only did the first step. After you apply the paint. You will built it up above the paint surface. Once the paint dry, you need too sand it with 400 grit ( wet or dry) sandpaper ( or higher). That will level the paint surface ( smooth out). Then you need too buff it out ( the surface scratch ) with 3m compound. Then you polish out
Thanks, I'll make sure to do the leveling cause it's pretty hard to get a even surface on there. A touch up pen really isn't for a job this big but I figured for the winter it will keep the other paint from bubbling up underneath since I sanded out the surface rust and painted the bare metal. Definently not a permanent solution but was very cheap, quick, and easy. Thanks for the tips though I'll definitely use them whenever I decide to actually permanently do some paint work

Thats if you want a good finish I definitely agree

But it seems OP just wants rust protection- in that case I think the scuff tip on the pen is fine then degrease then paint & leave it. Its how I always done it on the Explorer (side note as adetailer I dont do that on customers cars but on the Explorer I dont care)
It does not take any more time too, give your shot.
The paint pen is for chips, I believe the spray can is easier. But all repair are on a case by case. Everyone has a different way too make a repair.

It does not take any more time too, give your shot.
The paint pen is for chips, I believe the spray can is easier. But all repair are on a case by case. Everyone has a different way too make a repair.
True for bigger jobs definitely spray can. 👍

True for bigger jobs definitely spray can. 👍
I actually have an oxford white duplicolor spray can lol. Just haven't had time to do it unfortunately but if I end up wanting a nicer job done on this I'll sand it and do that for sure
