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Tow Package & Radiator


Active Member
December 13, 2014
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Northern New England
Year, Model & Trim Level
2015 Explorer XLT V6
I have the 2015 XLT V6 FWD w/tow package from factory. I'm just looking for clarification on some parts:

- which radiator is included... is it any different from a basic xlt radiator? The ford parts website has a radiator with power takeoff and transmission cooler & also the basic XLT radiator with nothing extra.
- does it include a transmission fluid cooler?

I've seen the 200 amp alternator and can verify that, but can't tell about the radiator and trans cooler.

Also, I understand that the tow package also includes an engine oil cooler as well?

Any help would be great.

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When I was researching what it would take to install the stock tow package on my wife 2011 xlt, the only mechanical component that the dealer said they had to add was the engine oil cooler...along with the class 3 hitch and wiring harness/plug. So based on what you've indicated above, it seems the radiator and trans cooler are unchanged across trim levels.

The radiator on the tow package is thicker then the non tow package explorers. Also different transmissions and the additional cooler.

The radiator on the tow package is thicker then the non tow package explorers. Also different transmissions and the additional cooler.

Thanks... Does the transmission have a separate cooler? I know there is an engine oil cooler as well. The alternator is a 200 amp; which is an upgrade as well.

The radiator on the tow package is thicker then the non tow package explorers. Also different transmissions and the additional cooler.

The build tool on Ford's website just mentions the engine oil cooler. You might be right though. Wouldn't be the first time a dealer was wrong but for a $570 factory option, that sounds like a lot of upgrades.

The build tool on Ford's website just mentions the engine oil cooler. You might be right though. Wouldn't be the first time a dealer was wrong but for a $570 factory option, that sounds like a lot of upgrades.

The part numbers on the transmission are different depending on whether you have the tow package or not. Who knows what exactly is different but the fact the part numbers are different, that there says something is different about it.

Thanks... Does the transmission have a separate cooler? I know there is an engine oil cooler as well. The alternator is a 200 amp; which is an upgrade as well.

I'm not sure on this. I know as you stated, it gets an oil cooler. If it does have a trans cooler, I would think all of them have it being it's not an "additional" item added by the tow package.

Researching the issue I found out that Explorers with the tow package have the 6F55 transmission as opposed to the 6F50.

The 6F55 is the "heavy duty" version of the 6F50 & was initially made for the ecoboost engines in order to handle the extra torque. That was the web says.....

There is also a thread on the forum that mentions the different transmission models.


I have towed a lot with all of my Explorers. The tow components are like links in a chain, the smallest one dictates the tensile strength. I don't think the addition of a better radiator and an engine oil cooler is going to add 3,000lbs of towing capacity.

Note to buyers of any car/truck/suv that has a tow package option: Get It whether you intend to tow or not. It'll be there if you need it, if you never do it'll reduce the stress on the drive train and give you longer life.

^^ If an oil cooler and a thicker radiator for additional cooling ability doesn't make a difference, then why would any manufacturer spend the money to do it?

I don't think any manufacturer would throw on additional parts just because they want to raise the price of the vehicle. Keeping a vehicle cool is one of the bigger concerns when pulling a heavy load and that is what these parts are specifically designed for.

^^ If an oil cooler and a thicker radiator for additional cooling ability doesn't make a difference, then why would any manufacturer spend the money to do it?

I don't think any manufacturer would throw on additional parts just because they want to raise the price of the vehicle. Keeping a vehicle cool is one of the bigger concerns when pulling a heavy load and that is what these parts are specifically designed for.

I'll turn this around on you: If adding a beefier transmission isn't necessary then why does Ford provide it with every factory tow package?

My point was that you can beef up certain links in the chain, but if you don't beef them all up, you haven't increased the "tensile strength" of the whole.

I'll turn this around on you: If adding a beefier transmission isn't necessary then why does Ford provide it with every factory tow package?

My point was that you can beef up certain links in the chain, but if you don't beef them all up, you haven't increased the "tensile strength" of the whole.

I get your point that I don't believe that point has any weight with this. What did Ford miss?

Beefed up transmission for added strain - check
Additional oil cooler - check
Thicker radiator for added cooling efficiency - check
Tow setting for different shift points to maintain better hp/tq - check
Class III hitch - check
**No need to mention braking because they all have the same brakes

So if power, shifting, efficiency, shift points, cooling and braking is all checked off, what did Ford miss?

The tow package as you said is a worthwhile feature and I think everyone should get it because again, as you said, you just never know what the future holds.

Now if I misunderstood your post then I apologize but I took it as, "who cares if you are missing the oil cooler and thicker radiator, you'll be just fine"

There are many on here who just want to add the class III and think they can tow 5,000lbs. The fact is, you need all the above to do it legally as the vehicle is not certified to tow it without it and even then, you'd have to get recertified to do it legally.

I get your point that I don't believe that point has any weight with this. What did Ford miss?

I see where I confused you and I'm sorry. I was addressing wifes2011xlt about upgrading a non-tow Explorer ->
the only mechanical component that the dealer said they had to add was the engine oil cooler...along with the class 3 hitch and wiring harness/plug.

I was trying to make point that making the three changes he mentioned, it still doesn't upgrade a 2011-2015 Explorer to tow the 5,000lb limit.

On a related note: The most interesting application of a tow package I've seen on one of my vehicles was the 1998 Winstar. They put a larger engine, different transmission, oil cooler, transmission cooler, and power steering cooler. The engine oil cooler was brought out and placed right behind the radiator. If memory serves, there were two fans on the radiator - one that ran all the time, one electronic that ran sometimes including when the engine was off. This system improved the base towing from 2,000 to 3,500. The Winstar actually pulled a 17' flats boat pretty well.

I see where I confused you and I'm sorry. I was addressing wifes2011xlt about upgrading a non-tow Explorer ->

I was trying to make point that making the three changes he mentioned, it still doesn't upgrade a 2011-2015 Explorer to tow the 5,000lb limit.

On a related note: The most interesting application of a tow package I've seen on one of my vehicles was the 1998 Winstar. They put a larger engine, different transmission, oil cooler, transmission cooler, and power steering cooler. The engine oil cooler was brought out and placed right behind the radiator. If memory serves, there were two fans on the radiator - one that ran all the time, one electronic that ran sometimes including when the engine was off. This system improved the base towing from 2,000 to 3,500. The Winstar actually pulled a 17' flats boat pretty well.

Ok, so we were saying the same thing but just didn't realize it lol.


I get your point that I don't believe that point has any weight with this. What did Ford miss?

Beefed up transmission for added strain - check
Additional oil cooler - check
Thicker radiator for added cooling efficiency - check
Tow setting for different shift points to maintain better hp/tq - check
Class III hitch - check
**No need to mention braking because they all have the same brakes

So if power, shifting, efficiency, shift points, cooling and braking is all checked off, what did Ford miss?

The tow package as you said is a worthwhile feature and I think everyone should get it because again, as you said, you just never know what the future holds.

Now if I misunderstood your post then I apologize but I took it as, "who cares if you are missing the oil cooler and thicker radiator, you'll be just fine"

There are many on here who just want to add the class III and think they can tow 5,000lbs. The fact is, you need all the above to do it legally as the vehicle is not certified to tow it without it and even then, you'd have to get recertified to do it legally.

I am not sure with the legally thing. Normally, as I have seen, limits on legal towing is determined under the commercial use of a vehicle not in private use. Hence when I drive by a weigh station all the commercial trucks pull off. I remember a state cop in MA telling me I could legally pull a tractor trailer with my Ferrari as long as I did not have commercial plates (he did not recommend it though). BTW: I did not read about the cowl under the air dam that takes air back to the tranny in the list, it is very important to keep it cool.

The build tool on Ford's website just mentions the engine oil cooler. You might be right though. Wouldn't be the first time a dealer was wrong but for a $570 factory option, that sounds like a lot of upgrades.

Yeah, if you ever plan to tow, the factory tow package is well worth the money IMO, I didn't know about that before i bought mine, I don't plan to tow anything now, but who knows in the future.

I have towed a lot with all of my Explorers. The tow components are like links in a chain, the smallest one dictates the tensile strength. I don't think the addition of a better radiator and an engine oil cooler is going to add 3,000lbs of towing capacity.

Note to buyers of any car/truck/suv that has a tow package option: Get It whether you intend to tow or not. It'll be there if you need it, if you never do it'll reduce the stress on the drive train and give you longer life.

Amen to that. It came with my Explorer even though I never tow things. At least I thought until I had to tow my friends Volkswagen Golf, and I made good money off of that.

I am not sure with the legally thing. Normally, as I have seen, limits on legal towing is determined under the commercial use of a vehicle not in private use. Hence when I drive by a weigh station all the commercial trucks pull off. I remember a state cop in MA telling me I could legally pull a tractor trailer with my Ferrari as long as I did not have commercial plates (he did not recommend it though). BTW: I did not read about the cowl under the air dam that takes air back to the tranny in the list, it is very important to keep it cool.

That is not true and that MA cop is an idiot for saying something like that. You are still required by law to follow the weight limitations of such vehicle.

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That is not true and that MA cop is an idiot for saying something like that. You are still required by law to follow the weight limitations of such vehicle.
I think you are confusing legality with liability. Obviously if I ignored the towing capacity of my vehicle and caused an accident I would be liable for damages due to my negligence. That is different from a legal infraction to do it in the first place.
