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Traction Lok differential


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January 3, 2000
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I have a 93 explorer with rear traction lok limited slip differential. The slip is now not limited at all, with snow and ice it slips with no effect by the clutch disks. I guess it must be rebuilt. Any advise on the procedure to undertake?

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If you have a lot of miles on your truck, replace the Ford Traclok with an Auburn posi unit. They are much better than the Ford unit. The unit will run you about $350 plus about $150 to install. Check around some gear shops in your area.

I can vouch for what Brett says. I have the Auburn limited slip, and it works very well in snow. It is much tighter than the stock unit that I had in my Ranger. We just had a decent snow fall here last week, and it performed superbly. Since I just installed it a few months ago, I took it out and put it to the test. Even with the original Firestones, the rear end would dig in quickly.

Brett is good on the price as well, although I paid about $250 to have it installed (they put new bearings on the differential). If you are on a tight budget, you may opt to just rebuild the original. I don't know if you can install extra clutches to tighten up the stock limited slip or not, but if you can, by all means do it. Just keep in mind that the traction-lok will not last as long as the Auburn.

If you do opt for the rebuild, you shouldn't have to do a setup on the rear end if you just install a rebuild. Just yank the differential out and install the kit, then reinstall the differential with the same shims in the same places. It's a good time to inspect your bearings, ring, and pinion as well. I think a Haynes manual might have the procedure for removing and replacing the differential, though I'm not sure.


Barabap. Clearly a new rear unit is the way to go for long life and good service, however, when I look at your location, the shipping distance may make shipping something as heavy as a rear unit impractical. Rebuilding the existing limited slip would probably be the wisest option for you. Parts could be shipped cheap by comparison, and when finished would serve you for 3-4 years, depending upon your use. Of course that depends upon your access to a repair facility and Ford parts. Best, Jim

JimJa, infact I now leave in Germany where I cannot find any Auburn units. By the way I was in San Diego for 8 years and there is where I bought by Explorer.
I can get the clutch disks and the S spring from Ford for about 100$. I just have to replace it myself because the local Ford dealer wants a fortune to do it. I think I can do it because I have already done it once on another car (old 911 porsche).
