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Tran fluid leak


Active Member
October 3, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pensacola, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Explorer V8
Went got my oil change and you know how they do try to get me to do brake and power steering flush out the ass prices. He pointed out my transmission fluid is leaking he wanted to charge 150 but what could I do to fix this myself. Filter and seal?

Where is the fluid coming from? It could be leaking from a number of places. Depends upon where the leak is as to how to fix it.

Either tighten the pan bolts,caution do not over tighten, or pull the pan and seal with a new gasket or silicone. If you opt to pull the pan, you might as well change the filter and about four quarts of fluid. However you should first be sure the leak is from the pan, and not from somewhere else.
