tranny issues (o/d light flashing) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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tranny issues (o/d light flashing)


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July 30, 2009
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91 explorer 2wd manual
so my od light was flashing. wife was driving so dont know the full details but the car is shifting kinda funny now. anyways i did some reading online and it suggested to take the truck in have some codes pulled on the tranny. it looks like many people are recommending to just change the fluid and filter before i look at getting it replaced. anyways heres the codes. anyone have any info or advice as to what needs to be done? im hoping not a rebuild or replace. thanks.

-p0735 gear 5 incorrect ratio
-p0732 gear 2 incorrect ratio

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so i was thinking of flushing the tranny fluid and replacing the tranny filter to see if that fixes anything, but then i read online that doing this can ruin your transmission?

i have a 91 explorer and a 02 ranger, this issue is with my ranger.

An incorrect ration suggest slippage. The solenoid pack is a common replacement part isn't it? 4R44 trans? Those codes could suggest a failing solenoid.

If it were my transmission I would first do a pressure test then install a rebuilt valve body, new solenoids, adjust the bands and with that you would have to change the filter/fluid. This would include changing the separator plate gaskets with new.

The state of the fluid and the amount of friction material in the pan should give you a good idea of how your clutches are doing. If it's a real mess and seems burned up it might just need a rebuild.

If that doesn't fix it at least then you have a new VB for your rebuild. Something you would have to replace anyway.

If you want a copy of the manual for that trans PM me your email address.
