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Tranny shift for engine breaking


Explorer Addict
December 9, 2002
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Uber Of All Possible Doom
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 explorer 4X4
It says in my explorer users guide the ‘2’ and ‘1’ positions on the transmission can be used for engine breaking when going down hill.

I have successfully managed to get this to work when shifting the transmission into ‘2’ however when I try and shift it into ‘1’ there is no engine braking what so ever.
I think it does shift into one cause the RPM’s are higher at lower speeds.

Is this normal?

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I don't know, I just it was funny "I try and **** it into ‘1’" lol.

Two things.
It won't shift into 1 unless it is below a certain speed.
If you really don't have engine braking at low speed, this is a sign that either the valve body or low/reverse servo cover gasket is leaking. This is a known problem with the 5R55E as a result of loose bolts.

its almost a brand new tranny...
when its in D there is never any braking, and there was not any with my old tranny either.

You usually won't get engine braking at D because either the engine speed is low enough as it is our the tranny will down shift. I agree that shifting to 1 will only work if the speed is low enough. If the RPM goes up when you shift from 2 to 1 then everything is working properly.

"its almost a brand new tranny... "
What is that supposed to mean? Think that is too new to have problems? I bought a spare '99 tranny w/52K that had blown out the valve body gasket. Put it in 1 and let it roll down a hill without your foot on the gas. See if the tach folows the speed
