Trans swap 97 to 99 5R55E will it work? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trans swap 97 to 99 5R55E will it work?


Active Member
December 20, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Algonquin, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Eddie Bauer 4x4
Alright I might be picking up a 99 explorer xlt 4.0 auto 4x4 that needs a trans ...I currently have a 97 EB explorer 4.0 4x4 with a fresh rebuilt trans in it (payed 2g's for rebuild) current explorer has the death rattle abs prob and alot of faults (recent front accident with black ice) and dont know how much longer it will last . 99 has good motor bad trans will my trans swap plug and play into the 99 ????? I believe both have a 5R55E trans

Im going to look at new truck tomarrow and would like to know b4 i drive an hour if this plan will work .....

thanks ahead of time for all and any info...:salute:

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Yes they will both have the 5r55E. However, when you get both transmissions out, put em side by side and make sure they are identical because some have extra speed sensor(s) on the body. When I purchased a rebuilt 5r55E for example, it came with an extra speed sensor that my 98 XLT did not use (just put duct tape over the sensor's connector).

You might have to transfer the DTRS, but I'm not sure. The 97 has an extra sensor (ODS), but you could ignore it since the 99 doesn't have the connection for it. Check the links in # 7 in my list of useful threads for more information.

Thanks guys sounds like if the truck checks out theres going to be no prob with the trans swap ....I know this prob wrong thread for it but when i go check this truck out what else should i look for ???

You might have to transfer the DTRS, but I'm not sure. The 97 has an extra sensor (ODS), but you could ignore it since the 99 doesn't have the connection for it. Check the links in # 7 in my list of useful threads for more information.

I checked the thread out soo from what i take the plug for the 97 needs to be cut and the wires soldered together the plug only 2 wires ?

Thanks guys sounds like if the truck checks out theres going to be no prob with the trans swap ....I know this prob wrong thread for it but when i go check this truck out what else should i look for ???
Pretty much look over the entire drivetrain -- oil leaks and such at the engine, then at the axles. The transfer case hardly ever leaks but why not check that too. While you're under the truck, move to the back of the rear of the driveshaft and push it up as hard as you can or side to side -- any side/side or up/down movement in the pinion flange indicates a loose pinion which you will hear once you're driving the vehicle as a clunk between acceleration and deceleration.

And dont forget to kick the tires :p:


Pretty much look over the entire drivetrain -- oil leaks and such at the engine, then at the axles. The transfer case hardly ever leaks but why not check that too. While you're under the truck, move to the back of the rear of the driveshaft and push it up as hard as you can or side to side -- any side/side or up/down movement in the pinion flange indicates a loose pinion which you will hear once you're driving the vehicle as a clunk between acceleration and deceleration.

And dont forget to kick the tires :p:


Mrap ---I was in 3rd infantry division :thumbsup:
Any other problem areas on the 99 to look at ...i cant drive the 99 due of course to the blown trans but it runs so i can look at the motor operation and such ....

The 99 doesn't have a plug on the vehicle's wiring harness. The 97 wiring harness has a plug for the ODS on the transmission.

Roger im following that , on the plug thats left with no home after install of new trans into the 99 all the plug has is two wires to solder??

Im not following so the 99 has no harness to plug in soo then really i need to do nothing or is the harness off the trans ???

There is no plug on the 99. The sensor on the 97 could be covered with tape or just left alone since the 99 doesn't require any input from the extra sensor on the 97 transmission.

Perfect thats good news ....:thumbsup:

OK , soo im going to get new truck tommarrow .....How easy to swap trans out??? Ive done a FWD car a few times ...What all i need to do the job ????

They are both sohc ......also another question the 99 explorer im picking up tommarrow with the blown trans i noticed the 4wd low light is on and the switch is in auto ??????? will this reseat itself after i reset of pulling the + battery cable and turning lights on after to fully drain and reset when i swap trans out ???????

BTW i went to look at the truck and its really clean only 122,000 miles runs good shafts checked out and not even a lick of salt on the truck ...

That is more than likely the Shift Motor on the Transfer Case. It can be an easy fix but if you keep the transfer case off the rebuilt tranny then you should be fine. If possible I would keep the other Transfer Case for a spare and rebuild it and the Shift Motor. The Transfer Case can be just as expensive as the tranny.

How hard is the trans swap or how much they charge me if i bought someone both trucks and they swapped the trans ???

No idea on how much someone would charge but I swapped mine a couple years ago while not all that hard it took some time. You will need a decent place to work, floor jacks(4), impact gun and long extensions and maybe a torch for those stubborn exhaust bolts.

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Soo should this 4x4 switch be a big deal or no???
