Transfer Case Blues! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transfer Case Blues!


New Member
February 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Mesa, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer 4x4 XLS
Well I'm 47 yrs old and purchased my first 4x4 recently in a 2004 V6 Explorer. 112K Straight, clean and rust free. But the jury is still out on my opinions about this truck as it has had gremlins since about 10 miles out of the prior owners driveway. Go figure. The most annoying gremlin is a flashing 4x4 high light (6-8 times every couple mins). Went up under the transfer case to check out the to speed sensors I'd been reading about which my explorer turns out not to have...pulled the transfer case shift motor in the process and cleaned the lug on the ground wire, reinstalled shift motor. The good news: blinking light is gone. The Bad: transfer case seems to be in 4x4 high full time now with the 4x4 auto button selected Is it possible to mis-clock the transfer case shift motor when I re-installed it? Dang it. I really want to like this truck but I'm off to a bad start. Any advice?
