Transfer case question - Borg-Warner 13-54 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transfer case question - Borg-Warner 13-54


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September 20, 2017
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I have a transfer case which I believe is based on the Borg-Warner 13-54 transfer case (see pictures) From my research I believe the Borg-Warner 13-54 transfer case was used from 1983 to 1995 on the Bronco II and possibly in Rangers and Explorers.

What I want to know is if they ever made a top mode fork in metal and not plastic? Are there any metal forks that are compatible with the 13-54 transfer case? I know the pre 1993 13-56 transfer case has a metal mode fork, but will this work in a 13-54 transfer case? What options do I have if I want a metal mode fork?

Here are a few pics of the case:





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Was used in Explorers from 91-94. Was also used in Rangers. Not sure on the shift fork answer, however.

I have a transfer case which I believe is based on the Borg-Warner 13-54 transfer case (see pictures) From my research I believe the Borg-Warner 13-54 transfer case was used from 1983 to 1995 on the Bronco II and possibly in Rangers and Explorers.

What I want to know is if they ever made a top mode fork in metal and not plastic? Are there any metal forks that are compatible with the 13-54 transfer case? I know the pre 1993 13-56 transfer case has a metal mode fork, but will this work in a 13-54 transfer case? What options do I have if I want a metal mode fork?

Such forks would be relatively easy to make from metal, given you cannot already find a source. Relatively easy, if one has use of a milling machine. I do. imp

Such forks would be relatively easy to make from metal, given you cannot already find a source. Relatively easy, if one has use of a milling machine. I do. imp

Only easy if you have the right tools / machines - I don't. But my point is was a metal fork ever present in the 13-54 case? Or were they all plastic? Will a metal fork form a 13-56 case fit?

Are you breaking the plastic ones?

Are you breaking the plastic ones?

Yes I have seen a few broken plastic ones, that's why I want to know if they ever made them in metal? As the Bronco 13-56 case's were all metal until sometime after 1992. But what about the 13-54 cases on the explorers? Were the early 1991 explorers metal, or were they all plastic?

Yes I have seen a few broken plastic ones, that's why I want to know if they ever made them in metal? As the Bronco 13-56 case's were all metal until sometime after 1992. But what about the 13-54 cases on the explorers? Were the early 1991 explorers metal, or were they all plastic?
Only someone having first-hand knowledge, lots of it, pertaining to those T-cases can answer that question. Try Borg-Warner; they may have a technical service. imp

Best bet might be an earlier Ranger, but I don't know if they were ever metal or not.

Best bet might be an earlier Ranger, but I don't know if they were ever metal or not.

Why are you thinking Ranger and not explorer or Bronco? Just interested to hear your thoughts on this

The Ranger was around earlier. The Explorer came out when the Bronco went plastic, when the Ranger had the 4.0 and 1354 in the 80s. The Bronco never had a 1354, maybe someone on the full size Bronco forum, or RangerStation would have a better idea.
